Northern Frontier Full Movie Hd 720p Free Download

Northern Frontier Full Movie Hd 720p Free Download


Northern Frontier Full Movie Hd 720p Free Download

A Mountie sets out to infiltrate and break up a gang of counterfeiters.
The Mounties are after counterfeiters. When McKenzie catches an arriving agent, he uses that man's letter of introduction to get into the counterfeiting gang. Greatly outnumbered and in trouble when his true identity becomes known, he receives unexpected help from one of the gang members.
The two biggest names who were not yet big names are far down the cast list of Northern Frontier. This is an unpretentious low budget quickie shot for a Poverty Row outfit called Ambassador Pictures. I will say that the low budget aspects of it are somewhat masked by the location shooting at Big Bear Lake to use as the Canadian Northern Frontier.<br/><br/>The film stars Kermit Maynard and he gets involved in a racket that involves both selling and smuggling animal skins and using counterfeit money as well. When another Mountie stumbles on to the racket, Maynard&#39;s brought in.<br/><br/>Turns out Kermit&#39;s got a big stake in this one. His girl friend is Eleanor Hunt and her dad is being forced to work for the convicts. In fact the big boss of the outfit, perennial B western villain LeRoy Mason is really planning to double cross everybody in a very special way.<br/><br/>Walter Brennan has a small role as a stuttering cook who works with Mason who abuses him and doesn&#39;t have patience for him even when Brennan catches on that Maynard is a Mountie. Brennan had been in a lot of films mostly westerns for years. The same year Northern Frontier was out, Brennan got his first real critical notices in Samuel Goldwyn&#39;s Barbary Coast.<br/><br/>When we first meet Maynard before he&#39;s given his assignment, he&#39;s giving riding lessons to some newly minted Mounties. One of them is Tyrone Power who you will have some trouble recognizing. That&#39;s his credit listing in the cast. He&#39;d be off to the newly formed 20th Century Fox studio for fame and fortune right after this film.<br/><br/>Northern Frontier is an unpretentious B Northwestern with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police getting their men as always. And this was a year before Nelson Eddy sang a note in a Mountie uniform.
Sooner or later, Sam Newfield was bound to make a good film – and Northern Frontier is it! Kermit Maynard&#39;s second movie as the star player (The Fighting Trooper made in 1934 was his first taste of stardom), Northern Frontier reveals both an amazingly nimble actor – Kermit performs at least six or seven spectacular stunts right in front of the camera – and an amazingly nimble director with lots of location tracking shots from the fast-moving camera car as Kermit pursues his quarry through the dirt track roads of the Canadian frontier. The picture was actually shot at Big Bear Lake and Valley in the San Bernardino National Forest in California, but don&#39;t let that worry you. It all looks like Canada to me! Yes, this picture was produced on a much higher budget than the norm for Poverty Row. The aim was to present Kermit Maynard as an actor who could and would perform his own spectacular stunts, particularly flying leaps into the saddle. I don&#39;t know how his horse manages to stand still, but Kermit never misses! Fast paced with lots of production values, Northern Frontier also presents Eleanor Hunt as the pretty heroine and a solid support cast including Walter Brennan doing his customary turn at this stage of his career as a tongue-tied cook and Dick Curtis as a henchman named Pete. Tyrone Power is said to have played one of the recruits watching Kermit&#39;s saddle stunts, but I didn&#39;t spot him! Available on an excellent Alpha DVD, coupled with the feature version of &quot;Custer&#39;s Last Stand&quot;.


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