North West Mounted Police Full Movie Hd Download

North West Mounted Police Full Movie Hd Download


North West Mounted Police Full Movie Hd Download

Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
In 1885, a Texas Ranger travels to Canada to arrest a trapper who's wanted for murder and who's stirring up the Natives in a rebellion against the Canadian government.
&quot;Oh Dusty, you&#39;re an angel in leather!&quot; &quot;I love you so terrible bad I feel good!&quot; &quot;You&#39;re the sweetest poison that ever got into a man&#39;s blood!&quot;<br/><br/>Campy and implausible enough to be written up in &quot;The Fifty Worst Films of All Time&quot;, yet too slow to be as amusing as &quot;The Conqueror&quot;. Set in 19th century Quebec, the characters mill around a wilderness fort, chase each other and a gattling gun, lust after each other, and spout ridiculous dialogue. It takes forever and drags a lot, but it looks nice for something shot on a soundstage, and there are some decent actors like Gary Cooper and Madeline Carroll in it, even if they look kind of embarrassed.<br/><br/>What keeps this from being other boring costume melodramas like &quot;Unconquered&quot; is the usually wooden Paulette Goddard as a half-breed temptress. (You just know you&#39;re in for something bad when you see those words) We&#39;re talking high camp, over-the-top ludicrous, with her silly accent and sillier makeup, and supreme overconfidence in her ability to handle a role like this. It&#39;s worth tuning it to see her sashay around in her leather-and-feather costumes, chewing the scenery while doing stuff like public spankings and tormenting a bound Robert Preston.
Had waited for some years to catch up with this oater. Never would have believed it could be so poor. Such a huge waste of money and talent. Wowful dialog with even worse dialects! Hard to believe any Director would put his name on this insufferable work (let alone De Mille) But then, he was a Hollywood consumer product (a bit like Hitchcock became)<br/><br/>This director put &#39;Action&#39; ahead of Story, People, or Animals. Horses, their stunt riders, Chickens, all sacrificed to get &#39;that shot&#39;<br/><br/>Terrible studio bound sets badly cut into shots of grand outdoor footage. A case of money over matter, in the end, nothing matters at all. Not even the usually great music man Victor Young provided anything above mediocre. It looked (and sounded) like he saw how bad the content was, took the money and ran. The undiscerning viewer may enjoy it, others should beware.....


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