No Good Deed Full Movie Download

No Good Deed Full Movie Download


No Good Deed Full Movie Download

While doing a friend a favor and searching for a runaway teenager, a police detective stumbles upon a bizarre band of criminals about to pull off a bank robbery.
About a police detective, Jack, who, while doing a friend a favor and searching for a runaway teenager on Turk Street, stumbles upon a bizarre band of criminals about to pull off a bank robbery. Jack finds himself being held hostage while the criminals decide what to do with him, and the leader's beautiful girlfriend, Erin, is left alone to watch Jack. Erin, who we discover is a master manipulator of the men in the gang, reveals another side to Jack - a melancholy romantic who could have been a classical cellist. She finds Jack's captivity an irresistible turn-on and he can't figure out if she's for real, or manipulating him, too. Before the gang returns, Jack and Erin's connection intensifies and who ends up with the money is anyone's guess.
The movie has a well written story.So you are not get bored while watching the movie. And, great crew of the movie makes it attractive. Especially Samuel Jackson has a superb performance. However, some parts of the movie are distinctly cliche. So, because of that; even the crew can't be a life buoy for whole movie. My vote is 6 out of 10.
not that good...if you're expecting a "samuel l. jackson" movie, don't see this one, cause u'll be disappointed! milla is not bad, but the rest...puhhh-lease!!! maybe some other time!


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