


Никосия — город для туристов: фото и краткое описание всех достопримечательностей, пляжей, туристических маршрутов. Вы всегда найдете, чем заняться в Никосии.  Никосия или Лефкосия (Lefkosia) – столица Кипра и центр оккупированного турками так называемого Северного Кипра, единственная в мире столица, разделенная на две части Зеленой линией.

It is located near the centre of the Mesaoria plain, on the banks of the River Pedieos. It has been continuously inhabited for over 4, years and has been the capital of Cyprus since the 10th century. The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities of Nicosia segregated into the south and north of the city respectively in early , following the fighting of the Cyprus crisis of —64 that broke out in the city. This separation became a militarised border between the Republic of Cyprus and Northern Cyprus after Turkey invaded the island of Cyprus in , occupying the north of the island, including northern Nicosia. Today North Nicosia is the capital of Northern Cyprus , a state recognized only by Turkey, that is considered to be occupied Cypriot territory by the international community. This is a mention to the city-state of Ledra located on the site of Nicosia, and the city is named 'Lidir'. The name Ledra and variations such as Ledroi remained in use as late as AD, when it was used in writing by Saint Jerome. However, that text also refers the city as 'Leucotheon', and early Christian sources of this period are the first to use similar variations of the name Lefkosia e. The name is recorded in the majority of Byzantine sources as 'Leukousia', and it is accepted in literature that the name 'most probably' derives from the Greek phrase 'leuke ousia' 'white estate'. Nicosia has been in continuous habitation since the beginning of the Bronze Age years BC, when the first inhabitants settled in the fertile plain of Mesaoria. Only one king of Ledra is known: Onasagoras. The kingdom of Ledra was destroyed early. By BC, Ledra was recorded to be a small unimportant town. During this era, Ledra did not have the huge growth that the other Cypriot coastal towns had, which was primarily based on trade. After the destruction of Salamis , the existing capital of Cyprus, by Arab raids in , along with extensive damage to other coastal settlements, the economy of the island became much more inward-looking and inland towns gained relative significance. Nicosia benefited from this and functioned as an outlet of the agricultural products from its hinterland, the Mesaoria plain. It further was at an advantageous position due to its ample water supply. As such, the town developed enough for the Byzantine Empire to choose Nicosia as the capital of the island around , when Cyprus rejoined the Byzantine Empire. From that point on it has remained as the capital of Cyprus. Nicosia was the seat of the Byzantine governor of Cyprus; the last Byzantine governor was Isaac Komnenos , who declared himself emperor of the island and ruled the island from to The Byzantines did, however, build a relatively weak fort within the city. He himself stopped first at Crete and then at Rhodes. Two of the ships were wrecked off Cyprus, but the ship bearing Joan and Berengaria made it safely to Limassol. Joan refused to come ashore, fearing she would be captured and held hostage by Isaac Komnenos of Cyprus , who hated all Franks. Her ship sat at anchor for a full week before Richard finally arrived on 8 May. Outraged at the treatment of his sister and his future bride, Richard invaded. Richard laid siege to Nicosia, finally met and defeated Isaac Komnenos at Tremetousia and became ruler of the island, but sold it to the Knights Templar. The Frankish rule of Cyprus started from and lasted until During this time, Nicosia was the capital of the medieval Kingdom of Cyprus , the seat of Lusignan kings, the Latin Church and the Frankish administration of the island. During the Frankish rule, the walls of the city were built along with many other palaces and buildings, including the gothic St. Sophia Cathedral. The tombs of the Lusignan kings can be found there. The exonym Nicosia appeared with the arrival of the Lusignans. The French-speaking Crusaders either could not, or did not care to, pronounce the name Lefkosia , and tended to say 'Nicosie' translated into Italian and then internationally known as 'Nicosia'. In Nicosia was occupied and ravaged by the Republic of Genoa and in from the Mamluk Sultanate. In , when Cyprus came under the rule of the Republic of Venice , Nicosia became their administrative centre and the seat of the Republic. The Venetian Governors saw it as a necessity for all the cities of Cyprus to be fortified due to the Ottoman threat. The design of the bastion is more suitable for artillery and a better control for the defenders. In it was later diverted outside onto the newly built moat for strategic reasons, due to the expected Ottoman attack. On 1 July , the Ottomans invaded the island. The story of the Cypriot martyr Arnaude de Rocas dates from the fall of Nicosia. Some 20, residents died during the siege and every church, public building, and palace was looted. The devastation of the city was so extensive that for the few years after the conquest, a number of villages in the island had a larger population than Nicosia. The Palazzo del Governo of Venetian times became the seat of the Pasha, the governor of Cyprus, and the building was renamed as the Konak or Seraglio Saray. The square outside was known as Seraglio Square or Sarayonu literally front of the Saray , as it is known to the present day. The saray was demolished in and the present block of Government Offices built on the site. When the newly settled Turkish population arrived they generally lived in the north of the old riverbed. Greek Cypriots remained concentrated in the south, where the Archbishopric of the Orthodox Church was built. Other ethnic minority groups such as the Armenians and Latins came to be settled near the western entry into the city at Paphos Gate. The names of the 12 quarters into which Nicosia was originally divided at the time of the Ottoman Conquest are said to be derived from the 12 generals in command of divisions of the Ottoman army at the time. Each general being posted to a quarter, that quarter with two exceptions was known by his name as follows:. Later the number of neighbourhoods was increased to Each neighbourhood was organised around a mosque or a church, where mainly the respective Muslim and Christian communities lived. Nicosia came under the rule of the United Kingdom on 5 July in consequence of the Cyprus Convention \[ why? The Nicosia column was presumably erected in compliment to the reigning Doge Francesco Donati about the year Just after the British Occupation a Municipal Council was constituted in Nicosia in for the general administration of public affairs within the city and for a certain area without the walls, under the presidency of a Mayor. In the municipal limits were extended further see map and this new area was divided among several of the existing intramural Neighbourhoods. In an armed struggle against British rule began aiming to unite the island with Greece, Enosis. The struggle was led by EOKA, a Greek Cypriot nationalist military resistance organisation, \[36\] \[37\] and supported by the vast majority of Greek Cypriots. The unification with Greece failed and instead the independence of Cyprus was declared in During the period of the struggle, Nicosia was the scene of violent protests against British rule. In , the Greek Cypriot side proposed amendments to the constitution, which were rejected by the Turkish Cypriot community. Nicosia was divided into Greek and Turkish Cypriot quarters with the Green Line , named after the colour of the pen used by the United Nations officer to draw the line on a map of the city. The fighting left the island with a massive refugee problem on both sides. On 23 April , the Ledra Palace crossing was opened through the Green Line, the first time that crossing was allowed since Winter precipitation is occasionally accompanied by sleet but rarely by snow. The accumulation of snow is particularly rare last events occurred in , and There is occasionally light frost during the winter nights. At the Lefkopa weather station in Nicosia, the temperature reached Ledra Street is in the middle of the walled city. The street today is a historic monument on its own. During the EOKA struggle that ran from to , the street acquired the informal nickname The Murder Mile in reference to the frequent targeting of the British colonialists by nationalist fighters along its course. Various streets which ran between the northern and southern part of the city, including Ledra Street, were blockaded. During the Turkish army invasion of Cyprus in , Turkish troops occupied northern Nicosia as well as the northern part of Cyprus. A buffer zone was established across the island along the ceasefire line to separate the northern Turkish controlled part of the island, and the south. The buffer zone runs through Ledra Street. After many failed attempts on reaching agreement between the two communities, Ledra Street was reopened on 3 April Faneromeni Church, is a church built in in the stead of another church located at the same site, constructed with the remains of La Cava castle and a convent. There rest the archbishop and the other bishops who were executed by the Ottomans in the Saray Square during the revolt. Although it seems very old, it is a wonderful imitation of typical Venetian style, built in Next to the palace is the late Gothic Saint John cathedral with picturesque frescos. The square leads to Onasagorou Street , another busy shopping street in the historical centre. The walls surrounding the old city have three gates. In The Kyrenia Gate which was responsible to the transport to the north, and especially Kyrenia , the Famagusta Gate which was responsible for the transport from Famagusta , Larnaca and Limassol and Karpasia , and the Paphos Gate for transport to the west and especially Paphos. All three gates are well-preserved. The historical centre is clearly present inside the walls, but the modern city has grown beyond. Presently, the main square of the city is Eleftheria Freedom Square , with the city hall, the post office and the library. The square which is currently under renovation, connects the old city with the new city where one can find the main shopping streets such as the prestigious Stasikratous Street , Themistokli Dervi Avenue and Makarios Avenue. Nicosia is also known for its fine museums. Leventis Municipal Museum is the only historical museum of Nicosia and revives the old ways of life in the capital from ancient times up to our days. Nicosia also hosts an Armenian archbishopric, a small Buddhist temple, a Maronite archbishopric , and a Roman Catholic church. The square has been dubbed as 'the heart of Nicosia' and historically has been the cultural center of the Turkish Cypriot community. The avenue has been described as 'the symbol of the walled city', and is filled with numerous shops and restaurants. Next to the Ledra Street checkpoint is the Arasta area. The area was pedestrianized in and is home to a network of historic shopping streets, reflecting an eastern shopping tradition with food and traditional items. Still a residential area, the neighborhood is considered to be one of the best representations of the Cypriot culture. The mosque is the chief religious center in Northern Cyprus. It was built between and by the Latin Church of Cyprus, in a Gothic style resembling French cathedrals. It was used as a marketplace in the Ottoman era. Today, it is used as a cultural center where various cultural activities such as concerts and festivals take place. The quarters of Nicosia outside the walled city are more spacious than the walled city, with wider roads and junctions. These areas are characterized by multi-floor concrete buildings. In the outskirts of the city, a number large and imposing villas have been built that belong to the middle and upper-classes. Greater Nicosia is administered by several municipalities. In the centre is the city municipality of Nicosia itself see below. The population of the conurbation is , census, plus Turkish Cypriot administered census of of which , live within the Nicosia municipal area. Because Nicosia municipality has separate communal municipal administrations, the population of Strovolos 67, Census is actually the largest of all the local authorities in Greater Nicosia. Within Nicosia municipality, most of the population resides in the more recently annexed outlying areas of Kaimakli , Pallouriotissa , Omorfita and Ayii Omoloyites. There is no metropolitan authority as such for Greater Nicosia and various roles, responsibilities and functions for the wider area are undertaken by the Nicosia District administration, bodies such as the Nicosia Water Board and, to some extent, Nicosia municipality. Dometios, Latsia, Geri and Tseri. The board consists of three persons nominated by the Council of each municipality, plus three members appointed by the government, who are usually the District Officer of Nicosia District, who chairs the Board, the Accountant General and the Director of the Water Department. The board also supply Anthoupolis and Ergates, for whom the government provide representatives. Thus the board is in the majority controlled by the municipalities of Greater Nicosia in providing this vital local government service. The Nicosia Sewerage Board, is likewise majority controlled by the municipalities of Greater Nicosia. It is chaired ex officio by the Mayor of Nicosia and consists of members chosen by the municipalities of Nicosia 6 members , Strovolos 5 members , Aglandjia 2 members , Lakatamia 2 members , Ay. Dometios 2 members , Engomi 2 members , Latsia 1 member. The sewage treatment plant is at Mia Milia. Public transport is not controlled by the local authorities, but comes under the Nicosia District administration, which is an arm of the Ministry of the Interior. Transport services primarily bus and taxi are provided by an agency of the Nicosia District OSEL or private companies. The Nicosia Municipality is responsible for all the municipal duties within the walled city and the immediately adjacent areas. The Constitution states that various main government buildings and headquarters must be situated within the Nicosia municipal boundaries. The Turkish Municipal Committees Temporary Provisions Law, \[75\] established a municipal authority run by a 'Turkish Municipal Committee', defined as 'the body of persons set up on or after the first day of July, , in the towns of Nicosia, Limassol, Famagusta, Larnaca and Paphos by the Turkish inhabitants thereof for the purpose of performing municipal functions within the municipal limits of such towns'. The Nicosia Turkish Municipality , founded in , carries out municipal duties in the northern and north-western part of city. The first attempt to establish a Nicosia Turkish Municipality was made in In with the declaration of independence of Cyprus, the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus gave Turkish Cypriots the right to establish their own municipality. Until there were no suburban municipalities. Dometios, Aglandjia, Latsia and Lakatamia were erected into municipalities. All members of the council are elected directly by the people for a period of 5 years. Nicosia within the city limits is divided into 29 administrative units, according to the latest census. This unit is termed in English as quarter , neighbourhood, parish , enoria or mahalla. Anthony , St. The municipality of Strovolos, established in , is the second largest municipal authority in Cyprus in terms of population after Limassol and encompasses the southern suburbs of the capital immediately adjacent to Nicosia municipality. Previously a village authority, it now functions as a municipality \[87\] within the same area \[88\] The suburbs immediately to the north of the city have not been erected into municipalities. The Cyprus Museum in Nicosia is the largest and oldest archaeological museum in Cyprus. In old Nicosia, the Ethnological Museum Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios Mansion is the most important example of urban architecture of the last century of Ottoman domination which survives in old Nicosia. Today, the mansion which was awarded the Europa Nostra prize for its exemplary renovation work, functions as a museum where a collection of artifacts from the Byzantine, Medieval and Ottoman periods are displayed. In the north, the Dervish Pasha Mansion , similar in architecture to the Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios Mansion, serves as an ethnological museum, displaying Ottoman and archaeological artifacts. Art galleries in Nicosia include the Leventis Gallery , which hosts over paintings from Cypriot, Greek or European artists. Nicosia offers a wide variety of musical and theatrical events, organized either by the municipality or independent organizations. Halls and theatres used for this purpose include:. Nicosia hosted the Miss Universe pageant. Nicosia is the financial and business heart of Cyprus. The city is also home to local financial newspapers such as the Financial Mirror and Stockwatch. Cyprus Airways had its head offices in the entrance of Makariou Avenue. Nicosia is linked with other major cities in Cyprus via a modern motorway network. The A9 connects Nicosia to the west Nicosia district villages and the Troodos mountains. The capital is also linked to the 2 international airports: Larnaca International Airport and Paphos International Airport. Nicosia International Airport ceased commercial operations in ; it is located within the Green Line buffer zone, and is currently used as the headquarters of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. Public transport within the city is currently served by a new and reliable bus service. Fares are regulated by law and taxi drivers are obliged to use a taximeter. In , as part of the Nicosia Integrated Mobility Plan, a pre-feasibility study for a proposed tram network has taken place and sponsored by the Ministry of Communications and Works. The study compared two scenarios, with and without the operation of a tramway in terms of emitted polluting loads. In , the Nicosia Municipality introduced the Bike in Action scheme, a bicycle sharing system which covers the Greater Nicosia area. There is currently no train network in Cyprus however plans for the creation of an intercity railway are currently under way. The first railway line on the island was the Cyprus Government Railway which operated from to It was closed down due to financial reasons. There are also many other football clubs in Nicosia and the suburbs. Nicosia is also the home for many clubs for basketball , handball and other sports. APOEL and Omonia have basketball and volleyball sections and Keravnos is one of the major basketball teams of the island. Also, all teams in the Futsal First Division are from Nicosia. Makario Stadium has a capacity of 16, In Nicosia in and Another event which was hosted in Nicosia were the Games of the Small States of Europe in and Twinnings : \[\]. Faneromeni Square. Athalassa Park. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Capital of Cyprus. This article is about the city in Cyprus. For the northern part, see North Nicosia. For the Italian commune, see Nicosia, Sicily. For other uses, see Nicosia disambiguation. Capital city. From upper left: Nicosia city skyline, Ledra Street at night, courtyard of Nicosian houses, Venetian walls of Nicosia , a Nicosian door in the old town, the Buyuk Han , a quiet neighbourhood in the old town, Venetian houses, Nicosia Christmas fair, Makariou Avenue at night. See also: Timeline of Nicosia. See also: Modern history of Cyprus. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. See also: List of mayors of Nicosia Municipality. Main article: Administrative divisions of Nicosia. This section needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. October Makariou Avenue. Faneromeni School. Alsos Forest. Leventio Museum. Laiki Geitonia. Old Nicosia with Tower 25 in the background. Cyprus portal. Archived from the original on 16 October Archived from the original on 3 August Retrieved 30 May In Michaelides, D. Historic Nicosia. Nicosia: Rimal Publications. Archived from the original on 15 March Retrieved 21 July Marshall Cavendish, Archived from the original on 7 March Retrieved 10 March Archived from the original on 5 March Archived from the original on 1 October Archived from the original on 6 March Retrieved 12 March Rimal Publications. Retrieved 29 March Retrieved 12 December Archived from the original on 16 December Archived from the original on 13 May Camped on a tiny sliver of land that forms part of a United Nations-controlled buffer zone in the heart of Nicosia, these year-olds and their friends are calling for a return to a way of life they have never known, one in which their communities can mix freely British Cyprus — '. One individual was killed and fourteen individuals were injured in an explosion near the Central Police Station in Nicosia on June 21, Turkish Cypriots demonstrated against the British colonial government in Nicosia on January 27—29, US Library of Congress. Retrieved 18 June Archived from the original on 17 April BBC News. Cyprus Mail. Retrieved 25 November August Meteo Climat. Retrieved 17 December Time Magazine. Retrieved 20 March Nicosia: Capital of Cyprus Then and Now , p. Retrieved 3 January Nicosia Turkish Municipality. Archived from the original on 3 January Archived from the original on 4 January Retrieved 4 January Eastern Geography Review. Retrieved 6 January Comparative E-Government. Archived from the original on 26 August Retrieved 20 May See also www. Retrieved 15 April Retrieved 2 January Near East University. Retrieved 24 October Agence France Press. Retrieved 28 April Archived from the original on 26 December Famagusta Gazette. Retrieved 13 June Nicosia Municipality. Retrieved 7 January Nicosia District. Capitals of European states and territories. Capitals of dependent territories and states whose sovereignty is disputed shown in italics. Capitals of Asia. Dependent territories and states with limited recognition are in italics. See: Positions on Jerusalem and Political status of Taiwan. Municipalities of Cyprus. Geroskipou Paphos Pegeia Polis Chrysochous. Karavas Kyrenia Lapithos. Capital cities of the member states of the European Union. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikivoyage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag Seal. Constantinos Yiorkadjis Ind. Source for — Source 1: Meteorological Service Cyprus \[54\]. Source 2: Meteo Climat record highs and lows \[55\]. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Nicosia. North Asia. South Asia. Southeast Asia. Western Asia. Netherlands : Amsterdam. Greece : Athens. Germany : Berlin. Slovakia : Bratislava. Belgium : Brussels. Romania : Bucharest. Hungary : Budapest. Denmark : Copenhagen. Ireland : Dublin. Finland : Helsinki. Portugal : Lisbon. Slovenia : Ljubljana. Luxembourg : Luxembourg. Spain : Madrid. Cyprus : Nicosia. France : Paris. Czech Republic : Prague. Latvia : Riga. Italy : Rome. Bulgaria : Sofia. Sweden : Stockholm. Estonia : Tallinn. Malta : Valletta. Austria : Vienna. Lithuania : Vilnius. Poland : Warsaw. Croatia : Zagreb.

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Nicosia is the largest city, capital, and seat of government of Cyprus. It is located near the centre of the Mesaoria plain, on the banks of the River Pedieos. Nicosia is the southeasternmost of all EU member states' capitals. It has been continuously inhabited for over 4, years and has been the capital of Cyprus since the 10th century. The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities of Nicosia segregated into the south and north of the city respectively in early , following the fighting of.

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Никосия – столица Кипра. Это единственный крупный город острова, который находится не на побережье, а еще и разделен между двумя странами.  Никосия – столица Кипра. Это единственный крупный город острова, который находится не на побережье, а в долине Месаория, на высоте м над уровнем моря. Это самый крупный и современный город Кипра.

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It is located near the centre of the Mesaoria plain, on the banks of the River Pedieos. It has been continuously inhabited for over 4, years and has been the capital of Cyprus since the 10th century. The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities of Nicosia segregated into the south and north of the city respectively in early , following the fighting of the Cyprus crisis of —64 that broke out in the city. This separation became a militarised border between the Republic of Cyprus and Northern Cyprus after Turkey invaded the island of Cyprus in , occupying the north of the island, including northern Nicosia. Today North Nicosia is the capital of Northern Cyprus , a state recognized only by Turkey, that is considered to be occupied Cypriot territory by the international community. This is a mention to the city-state of Ledra located on the site of Nicosia, and the city is named 'Lidir'. The name Ledra and variations such as Ledroi remained in use as late as AD, when it was used in writing by Saint Jerome. However, that text also refers the city as 'Leucotheon', and early Christian sources of this period are the first to use similar variations of the name Lefkosia e. The name is recorded in the majority of Byzantine sources as 'Leukousia', and it is accepted in literature that the name 'most probably' derives from the Greek phrase 'leuke ousia' 'white estate'. Nicosia has been in continuous habitation since the beginning of the Bronze Age years BC, when the first inhabitants settled in the fertile plain of Mesaoria. Only one king of Ledra is known: Onasagoras. The kingdom of Ledra was destroyed early. By BC, Ledra was recorded to be a small unimportant town. During this era, Ledra did not have the huge growth that the other Cypriot coastal towns had, which was primarily based on trade. After the destruction of Salamis , the existing capital of Cyprus, by Arab raids in , along with extensive damage to other coastal settlements, the economy of the island became much more inward-looking and inland towns gained relative significance. Nicosia benefited from this and functioned as an outlet of the agricultural products from its hinterland, the Mesaoria plain. It further was at an advantageous position due to its ample water supply. As such, the town developed enough for the Byzantine Empire to choose Nicosia as the capital of the island around , when Cyprus rejoined the Byzantine Empire. From that point on it has remained as the capital of Cyprus. Nicosia was the seat of the Byzantine governor of Cyprus; the last Byzantine governor was Isaac Komnenos , who declared himself emperor of the island and ruled the island from to The Byzantines did, however, build a relatively weak fort within the city. He himself stopped first at Crete and then at Rhodes. Two of the ships were wrecked off Cyprus, but the ship bearing Joan and Berengaria made it safely to Limassol. Joan refused to come ashore, fearing she would be captured and held hostage by Isaac Komnenos of Cyprus , who hated all Franks. Her ship sat at anchor for a full week before Richard finally arrived on 8 May. Outraged at the treatment of his sister and his future bride, Richard invaded. Richard laid siege to Nicosia, finally met and defeated Isaac Komnenos at Tremetousia and became ruler of the island, but sold it to the Knights Templar. The Frankish rule of Cyprus started from and lasted until During this time, Nicosia was the capital of the medieval Kingdom of Cyprus , the seat of Lusignan kings, the Latin Church and the Frankish administration of the island. During the Frankish rule, the walls of the city were built along with many other palaces and buildings, including the gothic St. Sophia Cathedral. The tombs of the Lusignan kings can be found there. The exonym Nicosia appeared with the arrival of the Lusignans. The French-speaking Crusaders either could not, or did not care to, pronounce the name Lefkosia , and tended to say 'Nicosie' translated into Italian and then internationally known as 'Nicosia'. In Nicosia was occupied and ravaged by the Republic of Genoa and in from the Mamluk Sultanate. In , when Cyprus came under the rule of the Republic of Venice , Nicosia became their administrative centre and the seat of the Republic. The Venetian Governors saw it as a necessity for all the cities of Cyprus to be fortified due to the Ottoman threat. The design of the bastion is more suitable for artillery and a better control for the defenders. In it was later diverted outside onto the newly built moat for strategic reasons, due to the expected Ottoman attack. On 1 July , the Ottomans invaded the island. The story of the Cypriot martyr Arnaude de Rocas dates from the fall of Nicosia. Some 20, residents died during the siege and every church, public building, and palace was looted. The devastation of the city was so extensive that for the few years after the conquest, a number of villages in the island had a larger population than Nicosia. The Palazzo del Governo of Venetian times became the seat of the Pasha, the governor of Cyprus, and the building was renamed as the Konak or Seraglio Saray. The square outside was known as Seraglio Square or Sarayonu literally front of the Saray , as it is known to the present day. The saray was demolished in and the present block of Government Offices built on the site. When the newly settled Turkish population arrived they generally lived in the north of the old riverbed. Greek Cypriots remained concentrated in the south, where the Archbishopric of the Orthodox Church was built. Other ethnic minority groups such as the Armenians and Latins came to be settled near the western entry into the city at Paphos Gate. The names of the 12 quarters into which Nicosia was originally divided at the time of the Ottoman Conquest are said to be derived from the 12 generals in command of divisions of the Ottoman army at the time. Each general being posted to a quarter, that quarter with two exceptions was known by his name as follows:. Later the number of neighbourhoods was increased to Each neighbourhood was organised around a mosque or a church, where mainly the respective Muslim and Christian communities lived. Nicosia came under the rule of the United Kingdom on 5 July in consequence of the Cyprus Convention \\\\[ why? The Nicosia column was presumably erected in compliment to the reigning Doge Francesco Donati about the year Just after the British Occupation a Municipal Council was constituted in Nicosia in for the general administration of public affairs within the city and for a certain area without the walls, under the presidency of a Mayor. In the municipal limits were extended further see map and this new area was divided among several of the existing intramural Neighbourhoods. In an armed struggle against British rule began aiming to unite the island with Greece, Enosis. The struggle was led by EOKA, a Greek Cypriot nationalist military resistance organisation, \\\\[36\\\\] \\\\[37\\\\] and supported by the vast majority of Greek Cypriots. The unification with Greece failed and instead the independence of Cyprus was declared in During the period of the struggle, Nicosia was the scene of violent protests against British rule. In , the Greek Cypriot side proposed amendments to the constitution, which were rejected by the Turkish Cypriot community. Nicosia was divided into Greek and Turkish Cypriot quarters with the Green Line , named after the colour of the pen used by the United Nations officer to draw the line on a map of the city. The fighting left the island with a massive refugee problem on both sides. On 23 April , the Ledra Palace crossing was opened through the Green Line, the first time that crossing was allowed since Winter precipitation is occasionally accompanied by sleet but rarely by snow. The accumulation of snow is particularly rare last events occurred in , and There is occasionally light frost during the winter nights. At the Lefkopa weather station in Nicosia, the temperature reached Ledra Street is in the middle of the walled city. The street today is a historic monument on its own. During the EOKA struggle that ran from to , the street acquired the informal nickname The Murder Mile in reference to the frequent targeting of the British colonialists by nationalist fighters along its course. Various streets which ran between the northern and southern part of the city, including Ledra Street, were blockaded. During the Turkish army invasion of Cyprus in , Turkish troops occupied northern Nicosia as well as the northern part of Cyprus. A buffer zone was established across the island along the ceasefire line to separate the northern Turkish controlled part of the island, and the south. The buffer zone runs through Ledra Street. After many failed attempts on reaching agreement between the two communities, Ledra Street was reopened on 3 April Faneromeni Church, is a church built in in the stead of another church located at the same site, constructed with the remains of La Cava castle and a convent. There rest the archbishop and the other bishops who were executed by the Ottomans in the Saray Square during the revolt. Although it seems very old, it is a wonderful imitation of typical Venetian style, built in Next to the palace is the late Gothic Saint John cathedral with picturesque frescos. The square leads to Onasagorou Street , another busy shopping street in the historical centre. The walls surrounding the old city have three gates. In The Kyrenia Gate which was responsible to the transport to the north, and especially Kyrenia , the Famagusta Gate which was responsible for the transport from Famagusta , Larnaca and Limassol and Karpasia , and the Paphos Gate for transport to the west and especially Paphos. All three gates are well-preserved. The historical centre is clearly present inside the walls, but the modern city has grown beyond. Presently, the main square of the city is Eleftheria Freedom Square , with the city hall, the post office and the library. The square which is currently under renovation, connects the old city with the new city where one can find the main shopping streets such as the prestigious Stasikratous Street , Themistokli Dervi Avenue and Makarios Avenue. Nicosia is also known for its fine museums. Leventis Municipal Museum is the only historical museum of Nicosia and revives the old ways of life in the capital from ancient times up to our days. Nicosia also hosts an Armenian archbishopric, a small Buddhist temple, a Maronite archbishopric , and a Roman Catholic church. The square has been dubbed as 'the heart of Nicosia' and historically has been the cultural center of the Turkish Cypriot community. The avenue has been described as 'the symbol of the walled city', and is filled with numerous shops and restaurants. Next to the Ledra Street checkpoint is the Arasta area. The area was pedestrianized in and is home to a network of historic shopping streets, reflecting an eastern shopping tradition with food and traditional items. Still a residential area, the neighborhood is considered to be one of the best representations of the Cypriot culture. The mosque is the chief religious center in Northern Cyprus. It was built between and by the Latin Church of Cyprus, in a Gothic style resembling French cathedrals. It was used as a marketplace in the Ottoman era. Today, it is used as a cultural center where various cultural activities such as concerts and festivals take place. The quarters of Nicosia outside the walled city are more spacious than the walled city, with wider roads and junctions. These areas are characterized by multi-floor concrete buildings. In the outskirts of the city, a number large and imposing villas have been built that belong to the middle and upper-classes. Greater Nicosia is administered by several municipalities. In the centre is the city municipality of Nicosia itself see below. The population of the conurbation is , census, plus Turkish Cypriot administered census of of which , live within the Nicosia municipal area. Because Nicosia municipality has separate communal municipal administrations, the population of Strovolos 67, Census is actually the largest of all the local authorities in Greater Nicosia. Within Nicosia municipality, most of the population resides in the more recently annexed outlying areas of Kaimakli , Pallouriotissa , Omorfita and Ayii Omoloyites. There is no metropolitan authority as such for Greater Nicosia and various roles, responsibilities and functions for the wider area are undertaken by the Nicosia District administration, bodies such as the Nicosia Water Board and, to some extent, Nicosia municipality. Dometios, Latsia, Geri and Tseri. The board consists of three persons nominated by the Council of each municipality, plus three members appointed by the government, who are usually the District Officer of Nicosia District, who chairs the Board, the Accountant General and the Director of the Water Department. The board also supply Anthoupolis and Ergates, for whom the government provide representatives. Thus the board is in the majority controlled by the municipalities of Greater Nicosia in providing this vital local government service. The Nicosia Sewerage Board, is likewise majority controlled by the municipalities of Greater Nicosia. It is chaired ex officio by the Mayor of Nicosia and consists of members chosen by the municipalities of Nicosia 6 members , Strovolos 5 members , Aglandjia 2 members , Lakatamia 2 members , Ay. Dometios 2 members , Engomi 2 members , Latsia 1 member. The sewage treatment plant is at Mia Milia. Public transport is not controlled by the local authorities, but comes under the Nicosia District administration, which is an arm of the Ministry of the Interior. Transport services primarily bus and taxi are provided by an agency of the Nicosia District OSEL or private companies. The Nicosia Municipality is responsible for all the municipal duties within the walled city and the immediately adjacent areas. The Constitution states that various main government buildings and headquarters must be situated within the Nicosia municipal boundaries. The Turkish Municipal Committees Temporary Provisions Law, \\\\[75\\\\] established a municipal authority run by a 'Turkish Municipal Committee', defined as 'the body of persons set up on or after the first day of July, , in the towns of Nicosia, Limassol, Famagusta, Larnaca and Paphos by the Turkish inhabitants thereof for the purpose of performing municipal functions within the municipal limits of such towns'. The Nicosia Turkish Municipality , founded in , carries out municipal duties in the northern and north-western part of city. The first attempt to establish a Nicosia Turkish Municipality was made in In with the declaration of independence of Cyprus, the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus gave Turkish Cypriots the right to establish their own municipality. Until there were no suburban municipalities. Dometios, Aglandjia, Latsia and Lakatamia were erected into municipalities. All members of the council are elected directly by the people for a period of 5 years. Nicosia within the city limits is divided into 29 administrative units, according to the latest census. This unit is termed in English as quarter , neighbourhood, parish , enoria or mahalla. Anthony , St. The municipality of Strovolos, established in , is the second largest municipal authority in Cyprus in terms of population after Limassol and encompasses the southern suburbs of the capital immediately adjacent to Nicosia municipality. Previously a village authority, it now functions as a municipality \\\\[87\\\\] within the same area \\\\[88\\\\] The suburbs immediately to the north of the city have not been erected into municipalities. The Cyprus Museum in Nicosia is the largest and oldest archaeological museum in Cyprus. In old Nicosia, the Ethnological Museum Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios Mansion is the most important example of urban architecture of the last century of Ottoman domination which survives in old Nicosia. Today, the mansion which was awarded the Europa Nostra prize for its exemplary renovation work, functions as a museum where a collection of artifacts from the Byzantine, Medieval and Ottoman periods are displayed. In the north, the Dervish Pasha Mansion , similar in architecture to the Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios Mansion, serves as an ethnological museum, displaying Ottoman and archaeological artifacts. Art galleries in Nicosia include the Leventis Gallery , which hosts over paintings from Cypriot, Greek or European artists. Nicosia offers a wide variety of musical and theatrical events, organized either by the municipality or independent organizations. Halls and theatres used for this purpose include:. Nicosia hosted the Miss Universe pageant. Nicosia is the financial and business heart of Cyprus. The city is also home to local financial newspapers such as the Financial Mirror and Stockwatch. Cyprus Airways had its head offices in the entrance of Makariou Avenue. Nicosia is linked with other major cities in Cyprus via a modern motorway network. The A9 connects Nicosia to the west Nicosia district villages and the Troodos mountains. The capital is also linked to the 2 international airports: Larnaca International Airport and Paphos International Airport. Nicosia International Airport ceased commercial operations in ; it is located within the Green Line buffer zone, and is currently used as the headquarters of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. Public transport within the city is currently served by a new and reliable bus service. Fares are regulated by law and taxi drivers are obliged to use a taximeter. In , as part of the Nicosia Integrated Mobility Plan, a pre-feasibility study for a proposed tram network has taken place and sponsored by the Ministry of Communications and Works. The study compared two scenarios, with and without the operation of a tramway in terms of emitted polluting loads. In , the Nicosia Municipality introduced the Bike in Action scheme, a bicycle sharing system which covers the Greater Nicosia area. There is currently no train network in Cyprus however plans for the creation of an intercity railway are currently under way. The first railway line on the island was the Cyprus Government Railway which operated from to It was closed down due to financial reasons. There are also many other football clubs in Nicosia and the suburbs. Nicosia is also the home for many clubs for basketball , handball and other sports. APOEL and Omonia have basketball and volleyball sections and Keravnos is one of the major basketball teams of the island. Also, all teams in the Futsal First Division are from Nicosia. Makario Stadium has a capacity of 16, In Nicosia in and Another event which was hosted in Nicosia were the Games of the Small States of Europe in and Twinnings : \\\\[\\\\]. Faneromeni Square. Athalassa Park. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Capital of Cyprus. This article is about the city in Cyprus. For the northern part, see North Nicosia. For the Italian commune, see Nicosia, Sicily. For other uses, see Nicosia disambiguation. Capital city. From upper left: Nicosia city skyline, Ledra Street at night, courtyard of Nicosian houses, Venetian walls of Nicosia , a Nicosian door in the old town, the Buyuk Han , a quiet neighbourhood in the old town, Venetian houses, Nicosia Christmas fair, Makariou Avenue at night. See also: Timeline of Nicosia. See also: Modern history of Cyprus. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. See also: List of mayors of Nicosia Municipality. Main article: Administrative divisions of Nicosia. This section needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. October Makariou Avenue. Faneromeni School. Alsos Forest. Leventio Museum. Laiki Geitonia. Old Nicosia with Tower 25 in the background. Cyprus portal. Archived from the original on 16 October Archived from the original on 3 August Retrieved 30 May In Michaelides, D. Historic Nicosia. Nicosia: Rimal Publications. Archived from the original on 15 March Retrieved 21 July Marshall Cavendish, Archived from the original on 7 March Retrieved 10 March Archived from the original on 5 March Archived from the original on 1 October Archived from the original on 6 March Retrieved 12 March Rimal Publications. Retrieved 29 March Retrieved 12 December Archived from the original on 16 December Archived from the original on 13 May Camped on a tiny sliver of land that forms part of a United Nations-controlled buffer zone in the heart of Nicosia, these year-olds and their friends are calling for a return to a way of life they have never known, one in which their communities can mix freely British Cyprus — '. One individual was killed and fourteen individuals were injured in an explosion near the Central Police Station in Nicosia on June 21, Turkish Cypriots demonstrated against the British colonial government in Nicosia on January 27—29, US Library of Congress. Retrieved 18 June Archived from the original on 17 April BBC News. Cyprus Mail. Retrieved 25 November August Meteo Climat. Retrieved 17 December Time Magazine. Retrieved 20 March Nicosia: Capital of Cyprus Then and Now , p. Retrieved 3 January Nicosia Turkish Municipality. Archived from the original on 3 January Archived from the original on 4 January Retrieved 4 January Eastern Geography Review. Retrieved 6 January Comparative E-Government. Archived from the original on 26 August Retrieved 20 May See also www. Retrieved 15 April Retrieved 2 January Near East University. Retrieved 24 October Agence France Press. Retrieved 28 April Archived from the original on 26 December Famagusta Gazette. Retrieved 13 June Nicosia Municipality. Retrieved 7 January Nicosia District. Capitals of European states and territories. Capitals of dependent territories and states whose sovereignty is disputed shown in italics. Capitals of Asia. Dependent territories and states with limited recognition are in italics. See: Positions on Jerusalem and Political status of Taiwan. Municipalities of Cyprus. Geroskipou Paphos Pegeia Polis Chrysochous. Karavas Kyrenia Lapithos. Capital cities of the member states of the European Union. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikivoyage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag Seal. Constantinos Yiorkadjis Ind. Source for — Source 1: Meteorological Service Cyprus \\\\[54\\\\]. Source 2: Meteo Climat record highs and lows \\\\[55\\\\]. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Nicosia. North Asia. South Asia. Southeast Asia. Western Asia. Netherlands : Amsterdam. Greece : Athens. Germany : Berlin. 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Никосия – вторая после Берлина половинчатая столица и на сегодня – единственная на планете. С одной стороны, еще греческий Кипр, а с другой – турецкий мир, именуемый Турецкой Республикой Северного Кипра, признанной лишь частично.  Никосия — половинчатая столица. Никосия — вторая после Берлина половинчатая столица и на сегодня — единственная на планете. С одной стороны, еще.

Бесплатные пробы Мефедрон Наманган

Никосия – один из самых древних городов на Земле, столица Кипра и ТРСК. Человек облюбовал эту территорию 6 тысячелетий назад из-за удобного географического расположения, теплого климата. Прошедшие столетия оставили свой след в архитектуре, культуре. Туристы могут познакомиться с историческим наследием греческого, венецианского, османского происхождения самостоятельно, или приняв участие в экскурсии. Как добраться.

Кокаин цена в Жешув

Рождение Никосии. Древняя Никосия. Королевство Ледра. Никосия от античности до современности. Ричард I Львиное Сердце и рыцари тамплиеры. Столица Королевства Лузиньянов. Фортификации в период Лузиньянов: гг. н. э. Катерина Корнаро: последняя королева Кипра. Правление венецианцев и новые фортификации. Новые укрепления Джулио Саворньяно. Сооружение новых стен.

Пробы МЕФА Магнитогорск

Никосия – столица Кипра. Административный центр Республики Кипр. В городе сосредоточены все основные институты управления. Республика Кипр вошла в состав Европейского Союза 1 мая года, и Никосия стала самой дальней Юго-Восточной столицей. Никосия разделенная столица, которая несет на себе след тяжелой трагедии года. Столица Кипра расположена возле центральной равнины Месаория, а через саму Никосию протекает река Педиэос.

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