Next In Hindi Movie Download

Next In Hindi Movie Download


Next In Hindi Movie Download

Las Vegas showroom magician Cris Johnson has a secret which torments him: he can see a few minutes into the future. Sick of the examinations he underwent as a child and the interest of the government and medical establishment in his power, he lies low under an assumed name in Vegas, performing cheap tricks and living off small-time gambling "winnings." But when a terrorist group threatens to detonate a nuclear device in Los Angeles, government agent Callie Ferris must use all her wiles to capture Cris and convince him to help her stop the cataclysm.
A Las Vegas magician who can see into the future is pursued by FBI agents seeking to use his abilities to prevent a nuclear terrorist attack.
Prior to seeing &quot;Next,&quot; I had read or heard general reviews which were more negative than positive. However, I usually enjoy Nicholas Cage films and was intrigued by the concept of limited precognition, so I and a good friend went to see the movie. Both my friend and I thoroughly enjoyed Next! The movie begins with a well-measured pace but once the main character and his ability is introduced the pace quickens. Much like a roller coaster ride, it slows (as does the coaster ascending its first major slope) but once it speeds down the other side it slows only occasionally, and then only somewhat, before twisting, turning, and turning the audience upside down repeatedly.<br/><br/>I use the roller coaster analogy because both my friend and I &quot;felt&quot; as though the movie took us on just such a ride. Tension, intrigue, confusion, questions, uncertainty. Then brief lulls before the ride&#39;s finale. I do not know if sequels are intended for the Cage character but I hope one or more is planned.<br/><br/>Each viewer will need to evaluate the ending and draw your own conclusions. I enjoyed everything about this film and consider it one of the best I have seen during the past year (which includes Spider Man 3).<br/><br/>I highly recommend this film.
Let me start by saying this is the first movie, or near first, that I have ever given a 10 out of 10. Usually 9 is the highest because most movies can always be a bit better, but not this one! It is EXACTLY what I label as &quot;My kind of movie!&quot; From the beginning it starts out taking different directions, similar to Chris&#39;(Nicholas Cage), and one can never really tell where it is leading. So many times I&#39;ve seen a director start out strong and keep the movie goer on the edge only to drop us near the end. Well, once again, NOT this movie! My heart raced all the way to the very end, and WOW! What an ending! While I&#39;m a big fan of Cage, this has to be one of his top performances, not to mention top choices for acting in a movie. KUDOS Nicholas!! BOY do I hope there is a sequel. :-)
Misbegotten mess.
The Golden Man a lot but the 2 main differences is that the book is set in a post-Apocalyptic america and the enemies are mutants not terrorists a5c7b9f00b

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