Naked Man Ass

Naked Man Ass


Hayley MacMillen & Jonathan Schoonover

This article was originally published on December 1, 2014.

Last month, PAPER magazine attempted to "break the Internet" with its by-now-infamous photographs of Kim Kardashian's naked derrière. We're of the opinion that all butts are worth celebrating; back in September, we shared our unfiltered, unretouched photos of 30 women's behinds — you know, in case you'd forgotten what un-Photoshopped butts really look like.
The lady-butts were beautiful, and you asked for a shoot of men's backsides, too. Now, we've heeded your booty call. Ahead, 30 men show off their behinds and tell us how they really feel about them — from proud to indifferent to insecure. Men's butts may not always undergo the same scrutiny or Photoshopping that women's butts do, but unrealistic physical standards affect dudes, too. When the guy-butts we see on a daily basis are mostly (if not entirely) of the greased-up, tighty-whitey-clad, underwear-model variety, we lose sight — literally — of the glorious variety of this essential body part.
As one of our butt models so wisely put it, "We can't all have a butt like Kim Kardashian. Not even Kim Kardashian." Amen. Click through for booty shots you won't find on a billboard.
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I haven’t given it much thought, but when I think of my butt, I think of a good time. Shaking, dancing, touching. I’m glad I have my butt; I’ve had some good times with it. I just enjoy my body. I don’t feel any way about it — I’m confident about myself, don’t mind showing it off."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I don’t think my butt is great. I think it's alright as far as guy-butts go. It’s pretty hairy. It doesn’t fit in dress pants very well. If I start working out — like, squatting a lot — I’ve got to get new pants, which is always an issue.

"I’m gonna blow this photo up and try to frame it and put it around my apartment. And, when I get a house, it's going in the man cave for sure. It's like a trophy — a butt trophy."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"As a gay man, I often feel marginalized by the images of the male form in the media. I'm a bottom, so I've always had such a weird relationship with my butt. It's kind of odd to be a guy and have your butt be the focus of your sexuality — I don't think people quite understand that.

"I was actually diagnosed with HPV a couple of years ago, and my relationship [with my butt] went from celebration to absolute fear and self-hatred. Undergoing my treatments was spectacularly difficult, and it essentially compromised my sex life for about a year... Now that I'm in the clear, I'm in the process of reclaiming my sexuality and, thus, my butt."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I'm fond of my butt. The lower part of my body is probably the thing I am least self-conscious of. Most of the sports I do require a great amount of leg and lower-body use. Years of soccer and running have sculpted my legs and butt."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"As big of a guy as I am, I don't have as big a butt as one might think... If we're at the point where you're seeing my butt, then you've landed the deal, so no need to fret about that. I'm more of a top, so I don't really think about my butt that much."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I think it's structured well. I play hockey, so my butt is a functional thing — it's used in hockey to fend off people trying to get the puck.

"I think men's butts are weird. As a butt-guy, the butt is an attractive aspect of a female to me, but I think that guys' butts are so much worse-looking than girls'."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I like my butt, but I’m very self-conscious about it, especially being a gay man. I feel like my butt's not where it should be. It's not the bubble that gay men idolize; it's not muscular, it just kind of is. I never put time into working on it.

"I do buy underwear that accentuates it. I find jockstraps to be very empowering!"
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I think my butt is awesome. I was always harassed as a kid — by girls shouting me out for my butt — ever since I was in the third grade. So, I guess my butt does its job. I never felt self-conscious about my butt; actually, I was always that kid in school who would hit a home run and moon the class and then be in detention because I mooned everybody. My butt and I are good friends."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I have not always felt as confident as I do today. I grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where the butt I saw every day was a flat butt. I stood out — I had a big butt. I think it took me a while to get comfortable with who I am. But, coming to New York and seeing people of different shapes and sizes really allowed me to grow into myself and be happy with who I am.

Today, I wear my butt proudly. This butt helps me get what I want. (Mainly, boys!) It's very nice when I go out in New York City to be able to wear a nice pair of tight jeans and go to the bar and get all sorts of drinks and things with a slight turn in my butt."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"Generally, I've come to terms with having a larger butt. It provides a comfy seat, though finding pants with the right waist-to-length measurements has been challenging. NYC apartments are small, and I've occasionally knocked things off of a bed-stand or gotten a belt loop stuck on a door knob. So, there's that.

"I'd like to think that my lower body is akin to the Greco-Roman sculptures at The Met. I certainly don't have a muscular upper body, but my bottom is on par with some of the sculptures there."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
“I think I’ve got a cute keister. I’ve certainly been complimented on it...mostly by gay men, but hey, take compliments when you can get them. I’m pretty sure I've got pasty-white skin down there, but I’ve got pasty-white skin everywhere, so I’m kinda used to that."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I feel like my butt is golden. I feel that it illuminates energy.

"As for the socks, I never take my socks off, ever. I lost a toe when I was a kid."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"Most people don’t recognize the significance of their butts. Yet, butts are the center of masculine strength. When cared for properly, they can be attractive. They can provide sensual pleasure and excitement.

"When you look at classical Greek statues, it’s clear that the sculptors appreciated butts. They lavished as much care on the back view of their subjects as on the front.

"For much of my childhood and adolescence, I was a fat kid. Into my adult years, my body was just the vehicle for transporting my daily existence. It took a serious illness late in my middle years (and recovery from it) to make me understand the need to keep healthy and to appreciate the aesthetic potential of a healthy body. Through nutrition and exercise, I lost 20 pounds and became somewhat more muscular.

"Now that I am older, I would contend that vintage butts, like any others, can be appreciated artistically and erotically."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"My butt was a bit of an annoyance growing up because everybody would make fun of it and talk about how big it is. I have a family full of women, and they would just grab and pinch and poke.

"I used to be very self-conscious — I'm still a bit insecure, but I'm a lot better than I used to be. I think everybody should appreciate their butt, no matter what it looks like. If you don't embrace what you really look like, no one will."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I love my butt. My mom loves my butt — she always says that. It’s like a nice, soft tushy. Definitely, it helps when I fall. I just wish it had less hair, that’s all."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I really do like my butt. The thought of the photo shoot just sort of invigorated me to check it out. There was some self-criticism involved, and a How's it gonna compare? kind of thing.

"I think the butt is an underrated part of the body. It needs to be given attention. It's probably my favorite body part."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I’ve always been kind of a skinny guy or a thin guy. But, I have a gigantic ass, and I've always really enjoyed it. I thought it was a good way to tell if a girl was interested in me — because she would compliment me on my really big butt. I just learned as I got older to really own it.

"I really feel for women who have a hard time finding the right pair of jeans, because it's hard for me [too]. It was alright in the '90s when everybody had really baggy jeans, but then the 2000s hit."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"Nudity is empowering. 'Hey this is me, that's all. If I'm cool with myself nude, does it matter how I wear my hair?'

"As for how I feel about my butt, my butt is a place where I poop."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"As a queer man, I have a lot of experience with other peoples' butts, but mine I don’t pay very much attention to. I like my butt, but I guess I don’t really appreciate how nice a butt I have. But, it is back there, and I do try to flaunt it every once in awhile. I started nude art modeling recently, and so my physique is something I’m becoming more aware of.

"I find it confusing that anyone can disparage a butt — all butts are good in my book."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I don’t give my butt much thought most of the time. It's just kind of there. When I was little, I was self-conscious because I thought my butt was kind of big, but I got over it. What else is going to hold my pants up?"
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I was excited to participate in this shoot because you don’t usually see a male version of a story like this. I like my butt. It’s probably one of the things I wouldn't change even if I could."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I have had a lot of body issues. The majority of my life, I was very insecure about my body. I was always a bit fatter than most people — I would eat very little, but I would just balloon in weight. As a teenager, I started getting stretch marks everywhere, and I noticed that no one else had stretch marks, so I was like 'What the hell? I must be really fat.' Like, who the hell gets stretch marks on their biceps and on their belly, stretch marks all over the place? It basically killed my self-confidence, which is why I've never had a girlfriend.

"So, I've been insecure most of my life, but when I reached 30, I stopped giving a fuck. I realize I was never as ugly as I thought I was."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I actually made the final decision to be in the shoot after the recent video of the woman being catcalled for hours on end here in NYC. It's never something I've experienced as a man: being objectified in a way that's both humiliating and (in some situations) terrifying. My girlfriend and friends have been followed and harassed before. It is so far from my reality. I felt something of a responsibility to just put myself out there. No, this is nothing compared to what many women are subjected to, but let's be honest, it's also probably the closest I'll ever get.

"We can't all have a butt like Kim Kardashian. Not even Kim Kardashian. So, the next time you feel self-conscious about your butt, or any part of your body, just remember that some guy put his un-Photoshopped one on the Internet and was still loved in the morning."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I like my butt! I got a little shake to it from playing football and basketball in high school. I have thick legs and a little, fat ass — kinda.

Girls like it. When I started modeling, you had to be really, really skinny, so my agent was weird about sending me out to shows because I had big thighs. My waist size would be fine, but my legs would be too big. I didn’t pay it any mind. I am pretty down with my butt — am I supposed to be insecure about it?"
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I am not too exciting when it comes to my butt. I really don't think about it much."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I love my booty. I think it is sweet and petite. I used to think it was too small. My friends used to make fun of my flat backside, but now I've grown to accept and cherish my cheeks. My butt hides well behind a pair of jeans, but once it's exposed, you can see that I have some roundness and definition!"
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I think my butt is my best asset. Dominican genes [make for] perky booties, so it gets a lot of attention, and I kind of like it. When I was doing gymnastics and cheerleading, I started to notice it more and more in the uniforms... I guess [sports are] why my butt continues to stay firm. Everyone wants a Nicki Minaj or Iggy Azalea booty, so squats are the way to go."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I like my butt, and I think the key to any dude-ass — and that’s #dudeass — is that you’ve got to have a butt-dimple, which is like a little curve right here on the side. I was hoping to show it off today, but didn’t go full nude.

I live in a fifth-floor walk-up; that’s also the key to any good ass — a free workout every day going up a bunch of stairs.

"I try to work out every day. I still am pretty skinny. I used to have a small butt for a long time, and then I went to college, started drinking beer like it was my job, and got some volume back there. Even though I’ve gotten thin, the ass stayed. It worked out."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I think it's important to show off the body and be comfortable in that. I have a good relationship with my butt; I feel like it's a cute butt. We're friends, we hang out at the bar together. I think butts are a great thing. I personally love a female butt, and I love hearing I've got a good butt."

Hayley MacMillen & Jonathan Schoonover

This article was originally published on December 1, 2014.

Last month, PAPER magazine attempted to "break the Internet" with its by-now-infamous photographs of Kim Kardashian's naked derrière. We're of the opinion that all butts are worth celebrating; back in September, we shared our unfiltered, unretouched photos of 30 women's behinds — you know, in case you'd forgotten what un-Photoshopped butts really look like.
The lady-butts were beautiful, and you asked for a shoot of men's backsides, too. Now, we've heeded your booty call. Ahead, 30 men show off their behinds and tell us how they really feel about them — from proud to indifferent to insecure. Men's butts may not always undergo the same scrutiny or Photoshopping that women's butts do, but unrealistic physical standards affect dudes, too. When the guy-butts we see on a daily basis are mostly (if not entirely) of the greased-up, tighty-whitey-clad, underwear-model variety, we lose sight — literally — of the glorious variety of this essential body part.
As one of our butt models so wisely put it, "We can't all have a butt like Kim Kardashian. Not even Kim Kardashian." Amen. Click through for booty shots you won't find on a billboard.
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I haven’t given it much thought, but when I think of my butt, I think of a good time. Shaking, dancing, touching. I’m glad I have my butt; I’ve had some good times with it. I just enjoy my body. I don’t feel any way about it — I’m confident about myself, don’t mind showing it off."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I don’t think my butt is great. I think it's alright as far as guy-butts go. It’s pretty hairy. It doesn’t fit in dress pants very well. If I start working out — like, squatting a lot — I’ve got to get new pants, which is always an issue.

"I’m gonna blow this photo up and try to frame it and put it around my apartment. And, when I get a house, it's going in the man cave for sure. It's like a trophy — a butt trophy."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"As a gay man, I often feel marginalized by the images of the male form in the media. I'm a bottom, so I've always had such a weird relationship with my butt. It's kind of odd to be a guy and have your butt be the focus of your sexuality — I don't think people quite understand that.

"I was actually diagnosed with HPV a couple of years ago, and my relationship [with my butt] went from celebration to absolute fear and self-hatred. Undergoing my treatments was spectacularly difficult, and it essentially compromised my sex life for about a year... Now that I'm in the clear, I'm in the process of reclaiming my sexuality and, thus, my butt."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I'm fond of my butt. The lower part of my body is probably the thing I am least self-conscious of. Most of the sports I do require a great amount of leg and lower-body use. Years of soccer and running have sculpted my legs and butt."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"As big of a guy as I am, I don't have as big a butt as one might think... If we're at the point where you're seeing my butt, then you've landed the deal, so no need to fret about that. I'm more of a top, so I don't really think about my butt that much."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I think it's structured well. I play hockey, so my butt is a functional thing — it's used in hockey to fend off people trying to get the puck.

"I think men's butts are weird. As a butt-guy, the butt is an attractive aspect of a female to me, but I think that guys' butts are so much worse-looking than girls'."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I like my butt, but I’m very self-conscious about it, especially being a gay man. I feel like my butt's not where it should be. It's not the bubble that gay men idolize; it's not muscular, it just kind of is. I never put time into working on it.

"I do buy underwear that accentuates it. I find jockstraps to be very empowering!"
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I think my butt is awesome. I was always harassed as a kid — by girls shouting me out for my butt — ever since I was in the third grade. So, I guess my butt does its job. I never felt self-conscious about my butt; actually, I was always that kid in school who would hit a home run and moon the class and then be in detention because I mooned everybody. My butt and I are good friends."
Photographed By Jonathon Schoonover.
"I have not always felt as confident as I do today. I grew up in a small town in the Midwest, where the butt I saw every day was a flat butt. I stood out — I had a big butt. I think it took me a while to get comfortable with who I am. But, coming to New York and seeing people of different shapes and sizes really allowed me to grow into myself and be happy with who I am.

Today, I wear my butt proudly. This butt helps me get what I want. (Mainly, boys!) It's very nice when I go out in New York City to be able to wear a nice pair of tight jeans and go to the bar and get all sorts of drinks and things with a slight turn in my butt."
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