Na Mira De Assassinos Movie Download Hd

Na Mira De Assassinos Movie Download Hd


Na Mira De Assassinos Movie Download Hd

A modern day Bonnie and Clyde - with a twist - that follows two lovers down a path of destruction, mayhem, and murder as they live in a world where it is acceptable to take whatever they want with murderous consequences.
I can understand what director K C Bascome was trying to create, but it didn&#39;t quite hit the target, at least for me.<br/><br/>All the characters were very well delivered, the acting was excellent in that context . . . but the character development was overdone, and at a certain point it just became laboriously slow and plodding.<br/><br/>It&#39;s unfortunate, because with tighter directing and more overall plot cohesion, this could have been a fine piece of work, but the film doesn&#39;t quite get there.<br/><br/>The ending in particular seems to be uncoordinated, almost as if thrown together ad lib during the final editing. Perhaps the original script / screen play had elements that weren&#39;t effectively communicated.<br/><br/>In summary, great concept, excellent acting . . . but overall, the film itself just didn&#39;t deliver the potential that this film could have been.<br/><br/>For any Hide fans out there, sorry folks, that&#39;s my honest opinion.
I&#39;m not quite sure what to make of this story of Billy and Betty, two Bonnie and Clyde wannabes who go on a rampage out of a Quentin Tarantino movie and then find out that there is no running from your actions. The film starts with the events in a diner and then jump to seven years later when Betty frees Billy from a prison van and they go on the run. The past present and future seem to mingle as someone seems to be after them and they ponder if one can ever be free of past deeds. This is a well made, if derivative film (it relies way too much on Tarantino and others). The performances are good, but the problem is the script which tries to have things every which it can before it gets really confused for the WTF ending. I like the film, I really do, but I don&#39;t love it. I think one some level I liked the potential, the sense that perhaps something special was going to happen. I didn&#39;t like that it never really materialized. (To be honest I think what I think made me like the film was that at times the film seemed to aping and copying Quentin Tarantino in the way that Tarantino copies all the films he rips off with a style that occasionally out shone the source.) Is the film worth seeing? Perhaps. I think that the film is best summed up as an interesting misfire with moments that work and show promise and others, particularly the ending, that will leave you scratching your head.


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