NEW Your Favorite Superhero Sucks by Noah Berlatsky download book free txt

NEW Your Favorite Superhero Sucks by Noah Berlatsky download book free txt

NEW Your Favorite Superhero Sucks by Noah Berlatsky download book free txt

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Book description
This 20K collection of essays, insults, and howls of tortured fury explains why Superman is wasting his time hitting criminals, why the first X-Men comic was gratingly awful, why a pole painted red, white, and blue has more expressive range than Chris Evans, and why Aquaman is not a badass. Wonder Woman, Black Panther, the Fantastic Four, Daredevil; each is sneered at in turn. Fun for all! ____ Everyone loves superheroes. Superman, Batman, Captain America; they are good and friendly, and beat up bad guys while blowing things up. What could be wrong with that? This book is an exhaustive list of things that are wrong with that. If you have ever gone to a superhero film and said to yourself, This is plotless ugly drivel, then this book is for you. If you read superhero comics and then wad them up and feed them to the dog and take them from the dogs rear end and jump upon them screaming, You smug badly drawn violence-prone goons, take that and that! then you should probably take deep breaths and hug a cat and then come back and buy this book. And if you love superheroes? You should buy this book anyway because you are wrong, and someone needs to elucidate your wrongness. So there.
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