NEW You Can Trust the Communists (to do exactly as they say) by Fred C. Schwarz without registering book ebay read story

NEW You Can Trust the Communists (to do exactly as they say) by Fred C. Schwarz without registering book ebay read story

NEW You Can Trust the Communists (to do exactly as they say) by Fred C. Schwarz without registering book ebay read story

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Book description
Back when I used to collect the newsletters and pamphlets of various far-right groups, in the immediate post-Cold-War period, the writings of Dr. Fred Schwarz and the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade stood out somewhat, by virtue of being rather less virulent and objectionable. At that time, it seemed that the main concern of the Crusade was in advocating for human rights, civil liberties, and especially religious freedom within the Communist and recent-post-Communist world. None of the material was remotely racist or anti-Semitic, nor did it advocate for an American variation of fascism. While Dr. Schwarz was in some degree sexist, and was certainly anti-gay, he was not notably more extreme in these positions than most members of his generation, nor were they a major focus of his political work. In some ways, getting to his writings was almost like a breath of fresh air in the midst of a sewer.This book, written at the height of the Cold War, is also somewhat better than much of the far right of its time, although not by quite as much of a distance. Id rate it 2 and a half stars (or a high-2-stars), but not quite three. It is intended to wake up complacent Americans to the threat of Communism both in the US and on the world stage, and as such, it seems rather superfluous at a time when nearly all of American foreign policy (and much internal policy) was dedicated to opposing the USSR. Dr. Schwarz argued that the US was losing the Cold War, and made several recommendations to reverse this, mostly based on a spiritual (or idealist, in the Hegelian sense) point of view. One of those actually was fairly important in terms of the (near) final victory of anti-Communism: the use of government money to send broadcasts describing idealized conditions in the West to those living in Communist societies (as in the Voice of America). But mostly he argues that Communism is bad, Christianity is good, and the enemy is at the gate.As an introduction to Communist theory, the book is weak, although in fairness not as weak as most avowedly anti-Communist literature. There is some effort to grapple with dialectics, and it is clear that Schwarz has read and understood most of the basic texts of Marxism-Leninism. He does not really take the time to explain the details to his audience, however, usually choosing to simplify and generalize. Probably the worst problem is the tendency to assume that, if one Communist writer in Southeast Asia has written such-and-so in 1960, it must apply to all avowed Marxists throughout the world at all times. This actually tends to contradict his own insights into the ways in which dialectical theory will produce different analyses at different times and places.Perhaps the most interesting parts of the book are those which give direct insight into Dr. Schwarz himself, including his description of a general strike he apparently witnessed in his home of Australia. His experiences coupled with his personality and his faith, probably led him to his unbending position and determination to dedicate his life to the anti-Communist cause. The book is probably worth studying for those interested in the far-right in America during the period.
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