NEW White Snow, Blue Feather by Julie Downing free eng format epub review

NEW White Snow, Blue Feather by Julie Downing free eng format epub review

NEW White Snow, Blue Feather by Julie Downing free eng format epub review

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Book description
White Snow, Blue Feather by Julie Downing follows a young boys bird feeding trek into the woods, his encounters with animals, and the discovery of a feather.Downings illustrations are rendered in watercolor, and focus on the beautiful winterscape of the woods, and its animal residents. Animals, and human faces in particular, are realistically portrayed. Downing shows us deer, redstarts, finches, blue jays, squirrel, and rabbits. My favorite images are deer, breadcrumbs, squirrel, rabbit, shadows, gift, and final image.I really appreciated details like the snow covered pumpkin on the porch, that protected space near the tree trunk under the branches, and the long shadows on the snow. The quiet joy of observing nature and an empathy for animals is effectively communicated in this story. Nature and animal study and themes can be explored with this book. My one complaint is that most running deer tend to have their tails up in the air. 3.5 star rating.For ages 2.5 to 6, nature, seasons, winter, observation, animals, read-aloud, and fans of Julie Downing,
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