NEW Whisper of a Witch by Suza Kates (Goodreads Author) access read find get pc

NEW Whisper of a Witch by Suza Kates (Goodreads Author) access read find get pc

NEW Whisper of a Witch by Suza Kates (Goodreads Author) access read find get pc

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Book description
Shauni Miller has no idea why her life is changing, but she must answer when an unknown force summons her to a mystical island. She also harbors a secret, one that has the potential to alter her life forever. Dr. Michael Black helps Shauni in her time of need, but sees more in the raven-haired temptress than she ever meant to reveal. He knows she s hiding something, but then, so is he. Only the fates know what role they will play in a centuries-old prophecy. Or if one of them has to die.
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