NEW What Is Punk? by Eric Morse download page djvu audio wiki

NEW What Is Punk? by Eric Morse download page djvu audio wiki

NEW What Is Punk? by Eric Morse download page djvu audio wiki

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Book description
Eh, this was okay. The illustrations are great, but the rhyming scheme is old and trite. And honestly, how hard is it to stick to the meter when the rhymes are so simplistic? Childrens books everywhere are guilty of trying to force a shitty rhyme, and this is no exception.Female punks were treated as an afterthought, stuck in gold frames on a pink page. Why cant ALL the punks just be together? Thanks for that discussion point on sexism, I guess.As the book says, all you have to do is listen. This may give my children kind of a visual aid on punk, but they get a better education about it from listening to the actual music.2.5 stars.
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