NEW West of Here by Jonathan Evison (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

NEW West of Here by Jonathan Evison (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

NEW West of Here by Jonathan Evison (Goodreads Author) phone ios wiki selling online

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Book description
Evison has done something very unusual by making a place, in this case the fictional town of Port Bonita, the central protagonist of his novel “West of Here”. The cast size is immense, and it appears that many readers were somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of character names they had to sort through. I understand that. But the author wanted to stress that it is the people that make a town what it is; not the buildings and other material features. A town such as Port Bonita is more than just a place, it is a spirit. If “West of Here” was limited to a more manageable number of characters, the reader might not have been able to see that point. Evison needed multiple perspectives in order to relate that argument to the reader. There are also a lot of strange qualities to this novel, particularly with regards to the Thomas/Curtis storyline. I am sure that this aspect turned many readers off of this novel, as these two characters are a bit fantastical and seemingly don’t fit with the rest of the novel. But once again, Evison has a solid reason for installing this perplexing feature into his story. If Port Bonita is a spirit rather than just a place, and the people who live in Port Bonita drive that spirit, then isn’t it undeniably so that the people who lived and died before us make up a part of that spirit is well? The connection between Thomas and Curtis is intended to illustrate that relation between our future and our past. Lastly, Evison attacks the adage that people never change. Evison in fact calls bullshit on that entire notion. Many of the characters evolve, sometimes subtlety, by the simple act of realizing that they want to change. You don’t need to make drastic changes to reverse your fortunes. Oftentimes it can be a matter of simply changing your opinion of yourself. We see examples of that with many of the characters in this novel. A charming story with a lot to say. Highly recommended for readers with some patience.“We are haunted by ourselves”“Can we really be whoever we want to be, now that we’ve collected all that we are?”
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