NEW Twopence to Cross the Mersey by Helen Forrester link italian free iBooks ipad

NEW Twopence to Cross the Mersey by Helen Forrester link italian free iBooks ipad

NEW Twopence to Cross the Mersey by Helen Forrester link italian free iBooks ipad

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Book description
When Helen Forrsters father went bankrupt in 1930 she and her six siblings were forced from comfortable middle-class life in southern England to utmost poverty in the Depression-ridden North. Her parents more or less collapsed under the strain, father spending hours in search of non-existent work, or in the dole queue, mother on the verge of a breakdown and striving to find and keep part-time jobs. The running of the household, in slum surroundings and with little food, the care of the younger children, all fell on twelve-year-old Helen. Unable to attend school, Helens fear that she was to be trapped forever as drudge and housekeeper caused her to despair at times. But she was determined to have a chance and struggled, despite her parents, to gain an education.
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