NEW Touching the Earth: Intimate Conversations with the Buddha by Thich Nhat Hanh italian pdf ebay iphone free

NEW Touching the Earth: Intimate Conversations with the Buddha by Thich Nhat Hanh italian pdf ebay iphone free

NEW Touching the Earth: Intimate Conversations with the Buddha by Thich Nhat Hanh italian pdf ebay iphone free

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Book description
Based on the loving kindness and compassion meditation of the Lotus Sutra, Touching the Earth contains one of the most popular and transformative practices of Thich Nhat Hanh.Written as a poetic conversation with the Buddha, it is a step-by-step guidebook to the practice of Beginning Anew. Thich Nhat Hanh describes it as having the capacity to put an end to obstacles brought about by wrongdoing in the past and to give our feeling of the joy of being alive a chance to return. According to many of his students who are deeply touched by this practice, it can help to renew our faith and develop our compassion as it presents an opportunity to heal our relationships through forgiveness and embrace our ancestors, parents, teachers and ourselves.
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