NEW Thermal Physics by Charles Kittel link italian free iBooks ipad

NEW Thermal Physics by Charles Kittel link italian free iBooks ipad

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Book description
usually i love examples, but i actually found a book that overdoes it. too many examples for an intro book. and because they are real-world examples, they stretch the simple intro models, so that a student would be bewildered as to how to apply the simple framework to the extremely messy example. (if we assume the valence electrons in a conductor are like an ideal non-interacting gas... WHAT? who in hell would have thought that was reasonable?)admirable in intent, but overkill and ultimately counterproductive. stick with simpler, non-sexy examples.i did like some of the statistical stuff about how sharply peaked the distribution functions are, the interpretation of entropy, and the chapter on heat pumps and the carnot cycle.i suspect the landau and lifshitz book is a better choice.
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