NEW Theatrum Chemicum Brittannicum by Elias Ashmole flibusta fb2 download original online

NEW Theatrum Chemicum Brittannicum by Elias Ashmole flibusta fb2 download original online

NEW Theatrum Chemicum Brittannicum by Elias Ashmole flibusta fb2 download original online

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Book description
Contains several poetical pieces of famous English philosophers who have written the Hermetique Mysteries. Faithfully collected into one volume, with annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole. Contains Thomas Nortons Ordinal of Alchemy; Ripleys Compound of Alchemy, George Ripley to King Edward the Fourth, Verses Belonging to An Emblematical Scrowle; Charnocks Breviary of Natural Philosophy; Fragments Copied From Thomas Charnocks Own Handwriting; Liber Patris Sapientiæ; Hermes Bird; Geoffry Chaucers The Tale of the Chanons Yeoman; The Work of John Dastin; Pearces The Black Monke Upon the Elixir; Carpenters Work; The Greene Lyon; Sir Edward Kelles Work; Thomas Robinsons De Lapide Philosophorum; and The Hermets Tale. Many unusual and interesting plates. This book is very rare and highly recommended as a foundation of alchemical writing.
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