NEW The Scare: A Halloween Story by Kirstin Lenane (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

NEW The Scare: A Halloween Story by Kirstin Lenane (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

NEW The Scare: A Halloween Story by Kirstin Lenane (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

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Book description
Simon loves everything about Halloween: the candy, the costumes... but what he loves most is scaring others. Last year, he invited Jim to his house for a Halloween party, but before Jim even arrived, Simon had scared him away. This year, Jim has invited Simon to his house for a party. Everything appears very un-scary, but he has some tricks up his sleeve. The Scare is a delightfully chilling tale about two best friends who, despite their differences, learn to enjoy the holiday together. Dont be scared!
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