NEW The Roman Republic by Andrew Lintott download via pc without registering bookstore

NEW The Roman Republic by Andrew Lintott download via pc without registering bookstore

NEW The Roman Republic by Andrew Lintott download via pc without registering bookstore

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Book description
The Roman Republic (509-31BC), which followed the overthrow of the monarchy, was designed to prevent a tyrant ever ruling Rome again. Executive power was entrusted to two annually elected consuls, while the Senate acted as their advisory council. The system brought stability and Rome grew rapidly from a small city-state into an empire which dominated the Mediterranean. However, the Republic perished in 31BC after decades of civil war in which great warlords such as Julius Caesar, Pompey the Great, Mark Antony and Octavian fought for supreme power. This text offers an account of ancient Rome over five centuries of expansion and shows how, ultimately, it was the empire which brought the Republic to an end.
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