NEW The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church by Vladimir Lossky iBooks how to free itunes without registering

NEW The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church by Vladimir Lossky iBooks how to free itunes without registering

NEW The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church by Vladimir Lossky iBooks how to free itunes without registering

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Book description
I had read this book several years ago when I first had learned about the Orthodox Church and was trying to find out more about. I dont remember my reaction to it much other than that I was deeply impressed and completely confused. Its a bit difficult to read if you are, as I was then, entirely unfamiliar with the history of the Church and with Orthodox theology and terminology. But, now that Im much more familiar with those, I have to say that this book is amazing. I think that everyone who converts to Orthodoxy should do what I did. Read it as one of the first books you read when becoming Orthodox and after living the Orthodox life for a few years read it again. It is without doubt the best book on Orthodox spirituality and theology in the English language -- the classic and the standard.
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