NEW The Monsterologist: A Memoir in Rhyme by Bobbi Katz windows read doc no registration full version

NEW The Monsterologist: A Memoir in Rhyme by Bobbi Katz windows read doc no registration full version

NEW The Monsterologist: A Memoir in Rhyme by Bobbi Katz windows read doc no registration full version

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Book description
Open this memoir…if you dare! For inside this rare collection of letters, notes, and interviews lie the choicest fruits of the monsterologist’s bone-chilling research. In engaging rhyme, the monster master tells all about Count Dracula (“When you visit Transylvania, be sure to stay with me”); issues a werewolf warning; and dishes on trolls, ghosts, witches, ogres, and myriad mythological and literary creatures!Designed to look like a treasured scrapbook, every page features an eye-catching mix of drawings, photos, and handwritten text. Plus, kids will love the die-cut, gatefolds, and other cool surprises throughout! Visit for more fun and information!
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