NEW The Last Knight: An Introduction to Don Quixote by Will Eisner macbook download tom no registration bookshop

NEW The Last Knight: An Introduction to Don Quixote by Will Eisner macbook download tom no registration bookshop

NEW The Last Knight: An Introduction to Don Quixote by Will Eisner macbook download tom no registration bookshop

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Book description
This book belongs in the genre of junior graphic novels. This graphic novel is a contemporary introduction to the classic Don Quixote. The area for critique is plot. While the illustrations in this graphic novel are wonderfully expressive, the plot falls flat. This book is marketed as an introduction to the classic novel, but because of the underdevelopment of the plot and characters,due to the condensing of a very extensive classic, leaves the readers wanting. Students reading this book will not be inclined to pick up the classic. This book can be integrated into the curriculum in the following areas: English/Reading: graphic novelsArt
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