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Most of us want to do good things, but few of us drastically uproot our lives. Thor Hanson wanted a greater connection to the world; he wanted to feel he was contributing. So he put his career on hold and joined the Peace Corps. Thor was sent to Uganda where he landed the plum assignment of working with the Mountain Gorillas. Uganda needs to find a balance between its desperately poor people and obliterating the animals. Part of that balance is finding a way to keep some of the land wild while benefiting the people too. Tourism is the golden hope of the environmental movement. If a way can be found to bring tourists in to remote places to see their wonders without trampling them into ruin, maybe both the animals and the local people can survive. Thor’s tasks were to build trails for the tourists and teach the Mountain Gorillas to accept humans. Yep, I did say teach the Mountain Gorillas. Mind you the gorillas did not realize they had signed up for class, and they are big. Being a scientist may have helped Thor realize the charging Mountain Gorilla was not really going to hurt him, or at least not probably going to hurt him. But try to remember that bit of knowledge with a big angry male Mountain Gorilla bearing down at you with eyes blazing, teeth flashing, and fists thumping. It would probably be small comfort. Thor had more of a task than teaching the Mountain Gorillas it was okay to have humans lolling about; he also had to teach them not to come too close. We are walking germ factories, full of all kinds of stuff that could seriously harm Mountain Gorillas who have no immunity to the common ailments of their cousin, Homo Sapiens. Thor needed to walk a fine line to teach the Mountain Gorillas not to be upset about their cousins snapping pictures a short way from them, but they must not try for a closer family reunion with their camera toting kin. Wouldn’t you feel like you had been given the most amazing gift to have this task in your life? Difficult as it probably would prove to be, it could also end up being the thing you did in life that made you feel most alive. Simply awesome. While Thor was in Uganda he made friends. He came to know and care about the people. Tragically a large number of Africa’s population suffers from AIDS. Thor lost friends he cared about to this scourge. Funerals are not unusual; in fact they are far too frequent.
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