NEW The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg: A Study in the Sociology of Religion by Solomon Poll pdf download free

NEW The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg: A Study in the Sociology of Religion by Solomon Poll pdf download free

NEW The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg: A Study in the Sociology of Religion by Solomon Poll pdf download free

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Book description

Book description
How is it the Hasidim, who separate themselves not only from non-Jews and “unreligious” Jews but also from “religious” Orthodox Jews whose religious ideology, intensity and frequency of traditional religious behavior do not meet Hasidic standards, creating a sociological wall between themselves and others whom they do not consider traditionally ‘religious,” are able to survive, indeed thrive, well into the twenty-first century while maintaining their social isolation and avoiding assimilation into the American culture, especially living amongst the cultural and ethnic diversity and temptations of New York City? The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg explores and explains this sociological phenomenon
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