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NEW The Great Conversation by Mortimer J. Adler online value kickass how download djvu

NEW The Great Conversation by Mortimer J. Adler online value kickass how download djvu

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Book description
Not exactly timeless, though it is interesting to hear the bemoaning of the state of education in the 50s. I wonder if it is really any worse now or just more of the same? It is impossible not to notice the cold war feeling of some sections.Honestly, the only thing that really bothered me is how much the author reiterates the necessity of a liberal education. I cant help but feel that I am not the one who needs convincing as I am clearly attempting to read the Great Books. There is also a bit of reassuring that anyone can read them. Clearly, I already believe I can read them or else I wouldnt have started the attempt. The reassuring just serves to cause concern and doubts where previously there werent any. Enough that is helpful to be worth the short read though!
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