NEW The Door to Satisfaction: The Heart Advice of a Tibetan Buddhist Master by Thubten Zopa amazon free ebook touch francais

NEW The Door to Satisfaction: The Heart Advice of a Tibetan Buddhist Master by Thubten Zopa amazon free ebook touch francais

NEW The Door to Satisfaction: The Heart Advice of a Tibetan Buddhist Master by Thubten Zopa amazon free ebook touch francais

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Book description
In this new edition of a classic book, Lama Zopa Rinpoche reveals the essential meaning of an ancient text that he discovered in his retreat cave high in the Himalayas. This text was Opening the Door to Dharma, composed in the fifteenth century by a follower of the Kadampa tradition. Lama Zopa was so moved and enlightened by the text that he declared that only after reading it did he understand the true meaning of practicing Dharma. He has based an entire line of thought-training teachings on it and from it brings forth a powerful message in The Door to Satisfaction.
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