NEW The Divergent Series 2-Book Collection by Veronica Roth (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

NEW The Divergent Series 2-Book Collection by Veronica Roth (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

NEW The Divergent Series 2-Book Collection by Veronica Roth (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

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Imagine if you were in a world, where you had to choose your future at the age of sixteen. That’s what Beatrice Prior has to do in the post apocalyptic future. In Chicago, there are five different Factions, Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor, and Amity. During her simulation test, which is a test that tells someone which faction they belong in, Beatrice’s results are inconclusive. They state that she belongs in three factions, instead of just one. This makes her a Divergent. During the Choosing Ceremony, she chooses Dauntless. This is seen as a very aggressive faction. There, she becomes an initiate, and faces many new dangers that shapes her as a person. She does different tasks and simulation to determine if her and the other initiates truly belongs in Dauntless. While there she makes friends, and enemies, finds love, and make memories. Good and bad. She finds out soon what it truly means to be a Divergent, and how dangerous it is. If you would like to know why it’s dangerous, read the Divergent by Veronica Roth.When I started the book, The Divergent, I knew I would enjoy it, because it has a similar feel as The Hunger Games, which I also enjoyed. I was correct. The book was surprising and always kept me guessing. I was able to relate to the main character of the book, Beatrice Prior. I had much in common with her.The reason I chose this book, is because I’ve heard that it had a lot of similarities to The Hunger Games. In both books, there is a girl main character who lives in a post apocalyptic world, with a new government. The girl, Beatrice, lives in a new world with a new way of living, than what we are currently used to. Beatrice and Katniss both live in different adaptations of the future. Beatrice goes to take a test, like every other sixteen year old in her Faction, and has to make a choice that will tear her away from her family, and change her future for better or worse. Katniss is forced to make the choice to volunteer for her sister which will make her never see her family again. Both girls have a lot of similarities in their personality. They are both strong and independent young women. Both girls are thrown into an unknown world with different rules that they aren’t used to. However, they both catch on quickly and become the strongest in their group. Beatrice, during the initiation, is the strongest of the initiates, though from Abnegation. Abnegation is very different from Dauntless, her current location, but she is very different from others expectations. Katniss, like Beatrice, is from a very poor and starving district that no one expects anything from. She surprises them by being the strongest of the tributes.As I was reading the book, I found that I was able to relate to the character. In Elementary school, I didn’t know who my friends were, and what my place was. When I was in third grade, I knew who I was and where I stood on the social pyramid. I had two friends and I was happy with them. I didn’t want anymore. Though people asked to be my friends, I declined them. I knew what I wanted. When I was in fourth grade, I didn’t. I didn’t know where I stood. There were people who didn’t like me, and people who pretended to like me. I didn’t know where my place was, because I was busy trying to find one.I was often left out, or felt left out. Though I had some friends, I still felt lonely. There were the popular girls, and they said they were my friends, but I’m not sure now. Beatrice finds out that she is a Divergent, and has three places where she could fit in. It was a hard decision, and she didn’t know where she was supposed to be. She didn’t know which people she would fit in with, which customs, interests. She didn’t know where she belonged, like me when I was in fourth grade. In order to find friends, I would often change my personality. With some people I may act one way, and with someone else I may act a different way. So once I decided in seventh grade that I only wanted to be myself, I didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know if I was silly and loud and crazy, or quiet and observant. I realized later on that I’m a combination of all the personalities that I let people see. if I combine all of these personalities, I find myself. Beatrice had a part of her that was Dauntless, a part of her that was Abnegation, and a part of her that was Erudite. The Dauntless are the brave. The Abnegation are the selfless. The Erudite are the intelligent. She didn’t know which of these three groups she belonged to. As she thought more about who she was and what she wanted, she realized she belonged in Dauntless. Like me, she found who she was.
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