NEW The Demon Rake by Gayle Buck price tom view online macbook

NEW The Demon Rake by Gayle Buck price tom view online macbook

NEW The Demon Rake by Gayle Buck price tom view online macbook

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A PAIR OF PROPOSALSIncredibly handsome Lord Damion St. Claire made no secret of his nature—or of his intentions toward lovely young widow Lady Victoria March. He was the most incorrigible womanizer in all the realm and Victoria was merely another potential conquest.However, Damions powerful uncle, Sir Aubrey St. Claire, had an entirely different proposition for Victoria: To save the St. Claire name, Victoria should become Damions wife in a marriage that would give Victoria title and fortune, at the price of enduring a wedded lifetime of infidelity.Surrender her honor to a man who made her senses swim? Or exchange vows with a man certain to break his? How could Victoria say yes to either pernicious proposal? Yet why was it so hard to say no...?
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