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NEW The Corsican by William Heffernan full version via no registration ipad free

NEW The Corsican by William Heffernan full version via no registration ipad free

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Ive had this book on my shelf for ages, but have never taken the time to read it, thinking it would be a trashy rip-off of something awesome like The Godfather. But this was one of those weekends where not much else was going on, and it seemed like as good a time as any to finally dust it off and see what its all about. I think I actually was in the mood for something a little trashy, so why not give it a whirl? But it tricked me! It wasnt disappointing at all! In fact, it was actually pretty effing good. So why hadnt I heard about it before?Not surprisingly there are Corsicans involved in this story. Corsica is that island off of France and its beautiful and amazing and it seems like no one has ever really heard of it which makes it feel secret and sort of special. Theres a dark side to Corsica that involves a lot of national identity issues and stuff, and Heffernan really hit the nail on the head with that aspect.The story starts in Corsica during the Nazi occupation in the Forties, and spans over the next couple decades. As anyone might expect there are vendettas and people are disloyal and some blood is spilled (okay, a lot of blood is spilled). The story expands into Southeast Asia as well, where many Corsicans have settled over the years; reading about the two separate cultures was interesting to me - Ive been to Corsica, but Asia is a bit out of my realm of understanding or expertise. I felt like I learned some stuff from this book? What!? Books bring learning? Whoda thunk it!This must have been a popular book at one time I imagine. This Heffernan guy was apparently nominated for the Pulitzer three times for his work on the New York Daily News which I guess isnt much to sneeze at. But there are no reviews on Goodreads, and very few ratings. Whats up, people? Are you all like me? Do you all have a copy on your shelf but youre not reading it? Thats totally it, right?Really, no complaints with this book. It did read like The Godfather at times, but its about Corsicans instead of Sicilians. (Secret: the Corsicans and the Sicilians dont really get along.) There were no horses heads put in beds, but there was a snake attack in a bedroom.
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