NEW The Art of Skyrim by Bethesda portable francais eReader book italian

NEW The Art of Skyrim by Bethesda portable francais eReader book italian

NEW The Art of Skyrim by Bethesda portable francais eReader book italian

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Book description
Among many things, Skyrim is famous for its excellent art, so I figured Ill check this book out.Its about 200 pages of pure concept art. Now, you have to understand that concept art has to be done quickly, usually, I suppose, and on an industrial scale, so they are not that epic. In fact, they were kinda meh. The art was nice enough to get the jukebox of my mind play Skyrim soundtrack and make me feel like playing the game again where I left off my last playthrough, and it only took about 40 minutes of my life to flip through the book, and read those few lines every few pages about how the art came to be or what it meant, but its nothing special.Play the game instead, or check out fan art, fan music, listen to the OST or whatever, if you want that Skyrim feel.
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