NEW Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schwiebert buy english free german look

NEW Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schwiebert buy english free german look

NEW Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schwiebert buy english free german look

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THE GOOD:1. Illustrations were wonderful.2. In the edition I have, there are 2 pages of resources for those grieving. Everything from a link to the compassionate friends (for those that have lost a child) to links for those who have miscarried or lost someone to violence. Providing the info for specific support... excellent. 3. Also at the end of the book are a few lists on how to grieve, specific to your own grief, if a friend is grieving, if you are a man and grieving, if you grieve as a couple... all the tips are relevant and helpful.THE BAD:I didnt think the story of Grandy and her loss was all that great, but I did appreciate what it was trying to say. My mom has terminal cancer. In anticipation of losing her, a family friend thought this book would be helpful to our son, who is 5. (and me as well, I suppose.) I skipped a lot of things when we read it. For example, illustrated in the book is a bookshelf, with all sorts of cookbooks for tear soup. Each cookbook is about a major traumatic event that involve loss of some sort. Murder, suicide, divorce, death of child, chronic illness, death of spouse, and so on. I did not want to explain suicide to my kid or get into child death. (He will learn about that at some point, but NOW is not the time. He cries when he sees a dead bird on the sidewalk.)In one part of the book, Grandy is in church, even though she is mad at God, and does not understand how he could allow this loss to happen, she keeps the faith. Her religion is not specified, but this book may not be the right fit for an atheist or agnostic.THE UGLY:If you have to read this, or give it to someone, some great loss has occurred. And that just sucks.:(
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