NEW Tea-Cup Reading and Fortune-Telling Tea Leaves, a Highland Seer by A Highland Seer pdf online free

NEW Tea-Cup Reading and Fortune-Telling Tea Leaves, a Highland Seer by A Highland Seer pdf online free

NEW Tea-Cup Reading and Fortune-Telling Tea Leaves, a Highland Seer by A Highland Seer pdf online free

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Book description
Does anyone know when this was written? Its supposed to be the oldest book on the topic written in English. It has delightfully old-fashioned phrasing, and mentions a car (motor) and carriage. Other than that, many of the signs relate to journeys, letters, inheritances. Birds. Marriage.The theory is interesting. Past choices and events will affect destiny. Tap into choices subconsciously, and the events of the upcoming 24 hours can be seen in your most humble and domestic items--your tea cup.It matters little what the method or nature of the symbols chosen is--dice or dominoes, cards or tea-leaves. What matters is that the person... turning the tea-cup, is by these very acts transferring from his mind where they lie hidden even from himself the shadows of coming events which by his own actions in the past he has already predetermined shall occur in the future.Hm... ok. I can work with that.To say that these are just coincidences is to beg the question. For the universe is governed by law. Things happen because they must, not because they may. There is no such thing as accident or coincidence. We may not be able to see the steps and the connections. But they are all the same.The fun part: one must choose the proper tea (Chinese, not Indian, and not with too much dust or twigs), and the proper cup (a wide mouth, a not-too-small bottom, and not too small of a cup overall).Ill just be in the kitchen, peering into the mysteries of the universe.
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