NEW Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods by Darrell L. Bock online full buy text how read

NEW Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods by Darrell L. Bock online full buy text how read

NEW Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide to Sources and Methods by Darrell L. Bock online full buy text how read

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Book description
Interest in the historical Jesus continues to occupy much of todays discussion of the Bible. The vexing question is how the Jesus presented in the Gospels relates to the Jesus that actually walked this earth.Studying the Historical Jesus is an introductory guide to how one might go about answering that question by doing historical inquiry into the material found in the Gospels. Darrell Bock introduces the sources of our knowledge about Jesus, both biblical and extra-biblical. He then surveys the history and culture of the world of Jesus. The final chapters introduce some of the methods used to study the Gospels, including historical, redaction, and narrative criticisms. Bock, a well respected author, provides an informed evangelical alternative to radical projects like the Jesus Seminar. His audience, however, is not limited only to evangelicals. This book, written for college and seminary courses, offers an informed scholarly approach that takes the Gospels seriously as a source of historical information.
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