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Book description
The world is torn apart by strife, war and magic. The human race has been defeated and enslaved by the Samurai Empire of the Half-Dragon Drakes. A centuries old battle is about to erupt, and the future of all the races rests upon the two most unlikely people in the Empire. Aerik is a slave, his life surrounded by squalor and death.В By day he works in the fields, at night takes solace in a secret slave bar, entertaining his friends and helping them escape the grim reality of life. When the Drakes destroy all he holds dear, Aerik is left with a burning desire for revenge and a determination to protect the only thing he has left. Honoured SongForger, Kelkh Ironbound is one of the rare few Drakes gifted with the ForgeSong, a magic that allows him to create weapons of immense power.В  When he is forced to purchase a slave, he encounters Annah, a human outcast shunned by her own people. As their friendship grows, Annah discovers new opportunities through skills she never knew she possessed. But such things never last. Kelkh is not the only one watching Annah grow, and the battle for her future will have effects far more reaching than anyone could ever imagine.
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