NEW Soapmaking the Natural Way: 45 Melt-and-Pour Recipes Using Herbs, Flowers & Essential Oils by Rebecca Ittner book eReader pdf story spanish

NEW Soapmaking the Natural Way: 45 Melt-and-Pour Recipes Using Herbs, Flowers & Essential Oils by Rebecca Ittner book eReader pdf story spanish

NEW Soapmaking the Natural Way: 45 Melt-and-Pour Recipes Using Herbs, Flowers & Essential Oils by Rebecca Ittner book eReader

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Book description
I am not certain you ever finish reading this type of book. I do not have any rational reason as to why I decided to learn to make soap. Thats just the way it is in the life of a crazy woman. LOL! I did find that selling it is a bit complex. But I also learned that you need 6 months to a year to experiment with recipes and learn when a soap goes rancid. Actually I did not learn those facts from the book. I only got inspired about types of soaps to make. I also learned fm my husband that I need liability insurance in case someone or their kid gets sick from eating my soaps...if I am selling it. Anyway the book itself is a lovely intro to the world of soap making. I will let you know when the first batch is ready for trial.
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