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Anyone can write a great fiction novel. Thats right, ANYONE! You dont need an M.F.A, or a PhD, or ABCDEFG, you just need to know how to do a few things really well...and get lucky. But Thomas Jefferson said it best when he said: “I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”So You Want to Write a Novel… was written for the many who’ve wanted to pursue the lofty endeavor of penning (typing) their very own opus, but for one reason or another got lost in the whole process, or perhaps were even a little intimidated. This writer’s booklet was designed to get the ball rolling, so to speak. It even offers proven story templates that have worked to help plot the many, or few, twists and turns, climaxes and conclusions along a writers authoring journey.If you’ve got great story ideas that need something to harness and channel them into a cohesive format that makes sense, then give So You Want to Write a Novel… a read and let the journey begin.
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