NEW So I Married an Anti-Fan Volume 2 by Wann original free offline view ios

NEW So I Married an Anti-Fan Volume 2 by Wann original free offline view ios

NEW So I Married an Anti-Fan Volume 2 by Wann original free offline view ios

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Book description
Modern-day woman Geunyoung Lee struggles to make ends meet working as a lowly reporter for a magazine. She lives with a friend and barely scratches out her rent every month. On the other hand, male sex symbol Joon Hoo currently rides on top of the world. His movies become instant hits. Corporations clamber all over each other to pay for his product endorsements. Women adore him. His public image stays squeaky clean...that is, until one night he runs into Geunyoung at a club. Lee accidentally snaps a photo of Joon dumping a heartbroken young girl. He suddenly goes nuclear trying to protect his image, forcing Lees magazine to fire her. Now, despite losing her job and apartment, the intrepid young woman has taken on a new mission in life: Destroy Joon Hoo at all costs. This manhwa is based on the novel of the same title written by Eunjung Kim, and its production is partly supported by SBA Seoul Animation Center.
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