NEW Scar Girl by Len Vlahos (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

NEW Scar Girl by Len Vlahos (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

NEW Scar Girl by Len Vlahos (Goodreads Author) find bookstore eReader free price

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Book description
When The Scar Boys ended, the band has fallen apart. Harry and Johnny are barely speaking, and Cheyenne is feeling desperate about Johnny, who has retreated into silence. Its only through their music that the group is able to rebuild their relationships, and they slowly begin to reach musical success and fame. In Scar Girl, Cheyenne, Harry, and Richie tell their own stories as they discover the ups and downs of being rock musicians—including meltdowns on stage, too much drinking, keeping secrets that should be shared, and having fights that test the limits of their friendship. The bands reputation grows and grows, but will the kids themselves survive?Len Vlahos delivers a powerful sequel to his bestselling YA sensation, The Scar Boys, with a story of love, music, and heartbreak.
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