NEW Scale-Bright by Benjanun Sriduangkaew (Goodreads Author) portable francais eReader book italian

NEW Scale-Bright by Benjanun Sriduangkaew (Goodreads Author) portable francais eReader book italian

NEW Scale-Bright by Benjanun Sriduangkaew (Goodreads Author) portable francais eReader book italian

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Book description
Julienne’s aunts are the archer who shot down the suns and the woman who lives on the moon. They teach her that there’s more to the city of her birth than meets the eye – that beneath the modern chrome and glass of Hong Kong there are demons, gods, and the seethe of ancient feuds. As a mortal Julienne is to give them wide berth, for unlike her divine aunts she is painfully vulnerable, and choice prey for any demon.Until one day, she comes across a wounded, bleeding woman no one else can see, and is drawn into an old, old story of love, snake women, and the deathless monk who hunts them.
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