NEW Satans Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft by Jennifer LeClaire free view doc german selling

NEW Satans Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft by Jennifer LeClaire free view doc german selling

NEW Satans Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft by Jennifer LeClaire free view doc german selling

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Book description
“I could hear bells of freedom ringing as I read every page.” That is how Pastor Ron Phillips, senior pastor of Abba House, described Jennifer LeClaire’s brand new book, Satan’s Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You may be familiar with Jennifer’s other “Jezebel book,” The Spiritual Warrior’s Guide to Defeating Jezebel which is truly phenomenal, but this project, with a foreword by Apostle John Eckhardt, will enable you to take your spiritual discernment to another dimension!I’ll be honest when I say there are parts of this book that make my head spin! And Jennifer describes this perfectly when she states:You have to untangle the spiritual knot to take down the strongman because layers and layers of demonic string sometimes protect the core. If you pull the wrong string, the knot can get tighter instead of looser. As I have suggested, you could possibly open a door to warfare you are not ready to handle by pulling the wrong strings. (pg. 180)If you’re anything like me, then you try to be specific as possible when dealing with spiritual warfare. What spirit is it? Where does it come from? Who does it run with? Why is it here? When you start messing with these high-level devils, “come out in the name of Jesus!” doesn’t always cut it. The name of Jesus isn’t broken! However, we need to get down to brass tacks to learn what spirits we’re dealing with (if you don’t have a name, then identify characteristics), where they came from, what they’re doing, and why they’re there because if you don’t know how they got in and what their intentions are, then how can you be sure they won’t get back in after your house is swept clean? The answer is you can’t.LeClaire also gives excellent wisdom for warfare:You cannot wage spiritual warfare with your intellect. You cannot depend on deduction. You need the Holy Spirit’s mind on the matter. You need discernment…. You could be wasting your energy, spinning your wheels–and, as Paul the apostle said, buffeting the air–by going after the wrong spirit. You could also be picking a fight with a spirit that was not even harassing you! (pg. 180)We need to know our adversary before we go charging after him. Is your attack from Jezebel or is it witchcraft? Jezebel is a very religious spirit, but you might be battling a spirit of religion itself. And religion can become very controlling, even murderous so that it might appear as if it’s witchcraft. Do you see how you could be misdirected if your godly wisdom and discernment are lacking?Jennifer helps to untie the knot of confusion straight from the enemy’s camp. Looking back into an ongoing situation I’ve been dealing with, I can see that it was not just Jezebel or witchcraft that I was battling, but religion has played a role as well.This spiritual warfare manual will absolutely challenge your traditional church mindset. It will even challenge your traditional spiritual warfare mindset. However, when the Spirit of the Lord uses His servants to provide divine wisdom, revelation, and illumination from heaven, then we should welcome it and not oppose it because it’s different from what we’ve heard before. The Bible tells us that we go from faith to faith, from glory to glory. If you can grasp the truths found in Satan’s Deadly Trio, then you will be light years ahead of many teaching, intercessory, and prophetic circles.Satan’s Deadly Trio is in no way a one-time read. It’s something you’ve got to read over and over again to, as my spiritual father would say, know that you know what you know that you know what you know so you can get completely free! So you can tell somebody else! If you don’t have a copy of Satan’s Deadly Trio, then get yours today!SEE THE ORIGINAL POST AT:
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