NEW Sandor slash Ida by Sara Kadefors price access online tom full version

NEW Sandor slash Ida by Sara Kadefors price access online tom full version

NEW Sandor slash Ida by Sara Kadefors price access online tom full version

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Book description
It’s hard to pinpoint how I exactly feel about this book. I liked Ida; her story was one of... not of constant improvement, but you could tell that was actually trying and when she hit rock bottom she picked herself up and tried to turn her life around. Shes someone who flees in booze and parties, because her mom is depressed and doesn’t know how to take care of her. On the surface she seems like a girl who you can only hate, but the book actually made me feel for her. My main problem with this book was Sandor’s story: he is so desperate to fit in, to be one of the group, that he’s willing to sacrifice all parts of who he is. I just can’t stand that kind of behaviour. What made it worse was that the book made me feel like I should applaud his steps toward belonging – while I felt that every step he took was a step backwards, I felt like I should have been applauding it like a step forwards. Obviously, this is a book about how Ida influences Sandor in becoming more popular and Sandor influences Ida in becoming more herself, and mostly, it works. Especially when Sandor makes a couple of choices at the end of the book, they really have met each other halfway. It took me a while to get used to the writing style, and I never actually started appreciating it. The book is a mixture of descriptions of their live and their actual chat or email conversations and I loved the way Kadefors used the language in the emails, but the style of the rest of the book just didn’t click with me. I did like the constant change in POV, though.Another 3.5 for me, though this time, because of my conflicted feelings, I’m rounding it down to a 3.
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