NEW Sable by Karen Hesse free writer original german reader

NEW Sable by Karen Hesse free writer original german reader

NEW Sable by Karen Hesse free writer original german reader

> READ BOOK > Sable



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Book description
“Sable” is the story of a girl and a dog. I like stories that involve animals and this is no exception.The story takes place somewhere in the country. It is at Tate’s (the main character) home (possibly a ranch or a farm) (Tate is the main character in the story) where a scrawny dog appears. The relationship between Tate and the dog, Sable, unfolds in this country setting.The plot of the story is basically girl finds dog, girl wants to keep dog, girl loses dog, girl gets dog back. Tate the young girl in the story wants to keep Sable. Mam (I assume Mam is Tate’s mother although this is never disclosed) does not like dogs and eventually insists the dog must go.The theme in “Sable” is lost and found. Tate finds a dog in need of care on her doorstep. She does not know where the dog came from but the dog is in clear distress. She loses the dog when her father tricks her into giving up the dog. The dog is found again when Mr. Cobb (a neighbor) sees him after a big storm.The main character in the story is Tate. Karen Hesse the author of “Sable” does not physically describe the human characters in the story however she gives a sketchy physical description of the animals. For example, Eden, Mam’s cat is described as being a crimp-tailed cat; Sable is described as having “bones held together by a brown coat. “ These are extremely brief descriptions but more than what Hesse writes about the human characters. Hesse seems to want the reader to get to know the human characters through their actions. For example, we learn that Tate is a determined and resourceful girl. She obtains food for Sable not with money but by doing chores in the local store.The story is told from Tate’s point of view. My rating for this book is three stars. It is a good story but not an original story. I think students will enjoy reading of the relationship between Tate and Sable.
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