NEW Reign of the Servant Kings by Joseph Dillow audio download epub txt purchase

NEW Reign of the Servant Kings by Joseph Dillow audio download epub txt purchase

NEW Reign of the Servant Kings by Joseph Dillow audio download epub txt purchase

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Book description

Book description
This book brought together years of theological confusion and misunderstanding. I have always struggled with the experimental predestinarian position, but didnt really know how it was fully articulated. Their understanding of the warnings of Hebrews never made sense to me. Dillows argument makes complete sense, that falling away does not mean falling away from salvation, but a loss of rewards. I feel like my theology has been fine tuned by this book. My few criticisms are:I didnt understand why Dillow waited to near the end of the book to argue for eternal security. I felt like the main argument of the Partaker position is based on the assumption of eternal security and it makes more sense to explain and defend that position at the beginning.I also dont like the term carnal Christian. It feels to either/or. I would prefer to say that there is a spectrum of maturity where mature and immature Christians are rewarded or denied rewards based on their perseverance.
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