NEW Regency Etiquette: The Mirror of Graces, 1811 by Lady of Distinction android library sale book ebay

NEW Regency Etiquette: The Mirror of Graces, 1811 by Lady of Distinction android library sale book ebay

NEW Regency Etiquette: The Mirror of Graces, 1811 by Lady of Distinction android library sale book ebay

> READ BOOK > Regency Etiquette: The Mirror of Graces, 1811

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Book description

Book description
This important primary source contains sections of advice on dress, deportment, movement, correct dances, manners and politeness, rules of propriety, etc. Also covers beauty aids and recipes for health. The book contains additional fashion plates from contemporary sources and the original text has been enlarged for easier reading. This is an important work for historians, costumers, historic dancers, and anyone interested in the times of the early United States, the English Regency, Jane Austen, Napoleon, the War of 1812.
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