NEW Play Big: Mental Toughness Secrets That Take Baseball Players To The Next Level by Tom Hanson (Dr.) mobi ibooks

NEW Play Big: Mental Toughness Secrets That Take Baseball Players To The Next Level by Tom Hanson (Dr.) mobi ibooks

NEW Play Big: Mental Toughness Secrets That Take Baseball Players To The Next Level by Tom Hanson (Dr.) mobi ibooks

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Book description
A young baseball player is frustrated beyond belief... and on the verge of choking away a dream... when a mysterious man appears and offers coaching beyond the player s wildest imagination. As the drama unfolds you ll discover... How to make total confidence as easy as ABC The hidden Law right now governing your success in everything How to eliminate negative thoughts and feelings in 5 minutes or less What really causes you to under-perform... and how to fix it 5 simple steps to breaking through to the next level Dr. Tom Hanson is on the leading edge of sports psychology. His knowledge goes way beyond the conventional and traditional. His teachings have been extremely helpful, not only in my career, but in my life in general. Carlos Pena, First Baseman, Chicago Cubs
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