NEW On the Meldon Plain by Pam Brondos (Goodreads Author) reader download touch selling epub

NEW On the Meldon Plain by Pam Brondos (Goodreads Author) reader download touch selling epub

NEW On the Meldon Plain by Pam Brondos (Goodreads Author) reader download touch selling epub

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Book description
Natalie Barns is falling apart. Since returning from Fourline, she’s tried desperately to focus on the world in front of her—the one of classes, money, and family. But the wound in Natalie’s shoulder from her final encounter with the Nala radiates pain constantly throughout her days, while her nights are tormented by terrifying dreams of the Nala—and of Soris, the rebel fighter she failed to protect.Seeking refuge from what plagues her, Natalie returns to the costume shop and discovers her wound is much more dangerous than she ever could have imagined. What she learns sets her on an inexorable path back to the kingdom of Fourline. If she’s to have a chance of survival, she must confront Soris’ fate and the fears that have been festering in her heart—or the Nala remnant will change her life forever.
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