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Book description
A Pura Belpre Honor Book, this text introduces you to the history and art of flamenco dance. The history portion provides a timeline of events but also serves as a lesson in geography. Flamenco dates back to the Roma people of northern India, also known as Gypsies. Fleeing an invasion, they traveled through the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe settling for brief periods and then moving again. They eventually ended up in the Andalucia area of southern Spain in the early 1400s.The authors vivid photographs introduce the the Flamencos Next Generation dance company in Sante Fe, New Mexico. The photos highlight the three main parts of flamenco, namely song, dance, and music. The author incorporates much of the Spanish terminology related to these elements and the different participants. To further assist the reader, the glossary includes a much-appreciated pronunciation guide. This book is multi-generational. The photos present people of all ages participating in performances. It would make a wonderful addition to any study of Spanish culture or dance. For independent reading work, it would be appropriate in grades three and above. It succeeds in building the schema, as mentioned in our reading, that students need to tackle increasingly difficult texts.
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