NEW No Rest for the Wiccan by Madelyn Alt reader touch review online sale

NEW No Rest for the Wiccan by Madelyn Alt reader touch review online sale

NEW No Rest for the Wiccan by Madelyn Alt reader touch review online sale

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Book description
The 4th Book in the Bewitching Mystery Series. Maggie gets a cat in this one - and she named it Minx (& later Minnie Minx) which freaked me out because our 20 year old cat that we put to sleep this past fall was named Minx. It was weird reading about cute little kitten Minx in the book. So my cat is heavy on my mind right now. I enjoyed this book quite a bit and having eaten the first four books in about a week - I have to say I am a fan and will keep reading the books. I think the romance aspect was handled a little poorly though - mostly just the part on the last 2 pages. (Trying not to spoil anything here.)I will keep reading this series.
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