NEW Nixon Volume #1: The Education of a Politician, 1913-62 by Stephen E. Ambrose iBooks full version book phone itunes

NEW Nixon Volume #1: The Education of a Politician, 1913-62 by Stephen E. Ambrose iBooks full version book phone itunes

NEW Nixon Volume #1: The Education of a Politician, 1913-62 by Stephen E. Ambrose iBooks full version book phone itunes

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Book description
Dont know if it speaks to the effectiveness of this book, or a personal defect, but I found this 700 page analytical Nixon biography a real page-turner! The first volume in Ambroses trilogy primarily covers Nixons vice presidency under Eisenhower -- a relationship that was...quite strained. It was quite effective in outlining how and why Nixon became one of the most polarizing politicians in history, with Republicans loving him and Democrats loathing him. Truman HATED Nixon after making a speech that inferred Truman was a traitor, and Truman took great pleasure in blasting Nixon on the campaign trail for the rest of his life. In reading about Nixons personality flaws (extreme introversion, thin-skinned nature, and hot temper), you realize that politician is about the last vocation Nixon should have undertaken. He would have been a great consultant, but he should have left politicking to more...stable individuals.Already have volume 2 on the way!
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