NEW Modelling for Field Biologists: And Other Interesting People by Hanna Kokko phone eng ebay online itunes

NEW Modelling for Field Biologists: And Other Interesting People by Hanna Kokko phone eng ebay online itunes

NEW Modelling for Field Biologists: And Other Interesting People by Hanna Kokko phone eng ebay online itunes

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Book description
Students of evolutionary and behavioural ecology are often unfamiliar with mathematical techniques, though much of biology relies on mathematics. Evolutionary ideas are often complex, meaning that the logic of hypotheses proposed should not only be tested empirically but also mathematically. There are numerous different modelling tools used by ecologists, ranging from population genetic bookkeeping, to game theory and individual-based computer simulations. Due to the many different modelling options available, it is often difficult to know where to start. Hanna Kokko has designed this 2007 book to help with these decisions. Each method described is illustrated with one or two biologically interesting examples that have been chosen to help overcome fears of many biologists when faced with mathematical work, whilst also providing the programming code (Matlab) for each problem. Aimed primarily at students of evolutionary and behavioural ecology, this book will be of interest to any biologist interested in mathematical modelling.
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